View Full Version : Head pain in same spot

03-03-17, 00:52
For the last couple of days I keep getting a pain in the top of my head in the same spot. It feels like someone is pulling my hair, but also sometimes feels achy in front of that spot. I also have bad tinnitus tonight which is adding to my worry. I'm now scared it's a clot or tumour. My head is also tender when I push down on it in certain spots

16-01-20, 09:48
Hi Jotia- I know this post is old but wondering how you’re doing with this? I have the exact same thing (for 4 weeks now!) and it’s driving me mad. Been to the GP who thinks that it’s tension and anxiety, And I also went to the chiro and masseuse - nothing has helped.it just feels like someone is pressing on a certain spot on my head wish their finger. It’s not painful, per se, but annoying! I also have tinnitus although it’s not bad either. I should also note that I’ve been to the dentist and eye doc. Aside from mild grinding everything else is good. Curious what happened with your situation?

16-01-20, 23:19
Hi Jotia- I know this post is old but wondering how you’re doing with this? I have the exact same thing (for 4 weeks now!) and it’s driving me mad. Been to the GP who thinks that it’s tension and anxiety, And I also went to the chiro and masseuse - nothing has helped.it just feels like someone is pressing on a certain spot on my head wish their finger. It’s not painful, per se, but annoying! I also have tinnitus although it’s not bad either. I should also note that I’ve been to the dentist and eye doc. Aside from mild grinding everything else is good. Curious what happened with your situation?

Hey, this is actually my old account haha. I had to create a new one because I forgot the password and wasn’t getting a reset link.

Regarding the head pain I don’t even remember this which says a lot. I’m guessing it just went away and I forgot about it.

23-01-20, 02:15
Thank you so much for replying! I’m so glad to hear the pain is gone and forgotten :) gives me
hope mine will be the same :) take care!

27-03-20, 07:23
Hi lovely,
Did you work yours out..
I’ve had this thing where i can’t feel one spot on my head like someone is pressing it or something.
Only thing is I’ve been very dizzy atm this has been coming and going for a while (cant tell if it’s anxiety )
Any luck with that? Xx

27-03-20, 10:41
Imagine this was caused by a brain tumour or something and you only had 24hrs to live. Would you want to waste that time worrying about what the pain was, or just enjoy your last time on earth regardless (as you will never get time back)?

I hope you can work out the message here. Stop looking for reassurance because it keeps you in the cycle.