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View Full Version : Is it possible the doctors could have lied about my MRI results?

03-03-17, 02:52
Is that Illigal or can they say what we want to hear.

03-03-17, 02:59
You really need to let this go and start working on your anxiety.

No, the doctors would not have lied to you about your medical results. If they had saw anything they would have told you and started you on a treatment plan.

You had a clear MRI!! You should be so stoked!

03-03-17, 04:30
Doctors don't lie. Nor are they allowed to. What a ridiculous question.

Get some treatment for the condition you do have.

03-03-17, 05:01
What possible motive would they have?

Is it illegal? Probably not, I don't know, unless it lead to criminal negligence of some kind, but it will be unethical and therefore a breach of licence. It depends on the country, and I don't know your laws. Given you have a culture of taking anything to court, I would expect they have themselves well covered in line with the law whether it's via direct legislation or an authorised medical body.

Why would they jeopardize their licence and potential prosecution over your MRI?

Do doctors break oaths & laws? Yes, like any other human being and when caught they pay the price. But the point is, there is something for them to do it for whether money or something worse.

03-03-17, 06:53

Gary A
03-03-17, 12:01
Is that Illigal or can they say what we want to hear.

Jesus, this is really going out of your way to keep yourself anxious.

From MRI's missing pea sized tumours to doctors who lie about the absence of a life threatening illness because it's more important to him that you hear what you want to.

Stop this for goodness sake.

03-03-17, 12:23
Why would they? They'd easily be caught since it's in your patient file

03-03-17, 12:37
As others are saying... No. You have to ask yourself this question as well... Why would someone who spent 8+ years to become a doctor, risk their career by lying to a patient?

Positive thoughts

03-03-17, 12:51
Is that Illigal or can they say what we want to hear.


Do you REALLY believe that is a possibility? :scared15:

03-03-17, 15:58
Sure it's possible if they wanted to risk losing their license to practice and wasting the hundreds of thousands of dollars they spent on med school and possibly being handed a few lawsuits.

No doctor would EVER risk all of that for a single patients MRI results. Just stop.

03-03-17, 20:13
I understand this is a 'silly' worry in regards to most people but I myself have worried over the doctors not telling me the truth before also. Obviously I look back now and think it was silly but at the time I truly believed it was possible so I completely sympathise with you. But to answer your question, no, I think this definitely wouldn't happen.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

04-03-17, 02:55
I'm so sorry you're having such a hard time right now. I just skimmed through your previous posts because I'm new here, and they remind me so much of when my anxiety was hitting its most critical point 2 years ago. I was paralyzed completely with fear of having a serious and/or fatal illness. I was not even functioning. My mother had to come stay with me to help me take care of my 1 year old while my husband went to work, because all I did all day was cry, google symptoms, or go to urgent care. I wracked up doctor bills we couldn't afford. It was the worst time of my life. I have nothing but sympathy for what you're going through. But, I also recognize, being on the outside, that it absolutely is nothing more than anxiety getting the best of you. After months of this, I finally started seeing a therapist and she saved my life. She treated the one ailment I actually do have - anxiety. I so, so, so highly recommend getting help for this so you can free yourself!! Good luck. <3

04-03-17, 06:03
Definetly not... they wouldn't throw years of study down the drain ( as they would be suspended after a lawsuit) just on one patient. I think you might need to up your anxiety meds. I mean that in a nice way not a condescending way.