View Full Version : Can't take it anymore, White Blood Count

03-03-17, 04:48
Hello everyone

I'm new here and desperate for an answer. I have convinced myself I have leukaemia.

I have had joint pain and bone pain for the past 4-5 months. No swelling but pain in my joints (ankle, knee, wrist, fingers, hip and collar bone) I have been to rheumatologist and she said she doesn't see any indication that I have arthirits or any autoimmune disease. I had a blood test and there is no sign of arthritis.

But my blood test shows I have low neutrophils. My neutrophils are 1.6 and the normal range is 2 - 7.5 .My WBC count is also border at 4, normal is 4 - 11

Neutrophils where 1.7 last month now it's 1.6 - WBC was 4.5 last month, now it's 4. So both neutrophils and WBC are decreasing. I compared this to a blood test I did back in 2015 and my neutrophils were 1.8 and WBC was 4.5.

My doctor doesn't think I have anything serious but I have been searching non-stop and reading stories and case reports and I'm almost 100% postiive I have leukaemia. All my symptoms match with Acute lymphoblastic leukaemia. I read online that Acute lymphoblastic leukaemia causes low neutrophils and bone/joint pain. For the past few days I also wake up with ankle pain. Today I feel tired and i feel like i have the flu (body ache) which is another symptom of leukaemia.

I just realized I have lost about 3 pounds in the past month and I have been eating like usual.

03-03-17, 05:28
Your blood work is normal.. You're reading way to much into it and let your imagination run wild. The Doctor said he wasn't concerned. You also have non-specific symptoms, yet in your mind you have diagnosed yourself with a specific condition. Those symptoms are specific to MANY illnesses, and are also specific to no-illness.
Forget about the bloodwork and focus on curing the anxiety. Once you've done that, if you still feel sick in a few months you can see the Doctor again.

03-03-17, 05:50
You do know that a complete blood count measures lymphocytes too? If you got a neutrophil count then you have a lymphocyte count. And if it's normal then I would not think it's ALL. I was evaluated for leukemia. Myeloid. Any bad count I got also went through a blood smear to look for leukemic cells.

03-03-17, 06:49
I have neutropenia.... it turned out that because I wasn't eating much during my anxiety, my WBC dropped. Do you eat enough?

03-03-17, 19:22
I eat enough. My appetite is fine but again I lost weight in the past month. No Idea why...

My lymphocytes is 1.9. Normal range is 1.0 - 3.5. So my lymphocytes are within the normal range. But compared to my last month's blood test, my lymphocytes had a drop. Last month my lymphocytes were 2.4.

My blood test from 2015 shows lymphocytes of 2.1 and neutrophils of 1.8.

03-03-17, 19:31
Stay off the internet and trust your doctors. Just because its online does not make it a fact. Especially Wikipedia. Anyone can make a website and post their opinions, diseases, disorders, even anxiety groups!

03-03-17, 19:56
I eat enough. My appetite is fine but again I lost weight in the past month. No Idea why...

My lymphocytes is 1.9. Normal range is 1.0 - 3.5. So my lymphocytes are within the normal range. But compared to my last month's blood test, my lymphocytes had a drop. Last month my lymphocytes were 2.4.

My blood test from 2015 shows lymphocytes of 2.1 and neutrophils of 1.8.

Your tests are allowed to change. I've had much higher changes than you. My neutrophils were once at 11.8. Dropped to 7.0 in two weeks. Went back up to 8. My platelets have a range of about 100 that they like to fluctuate in. I had blood tests every month for a while and learned how much the numbers fluctuate. I even had my RBC go out of range and back in multiple times.

05-03-17, 07:46
If I'm not mistaking leukemia increases you WBC, i may ne wrong im not a doctor but this is what ive heard. If your doctors arent concerned then you shouldn't be. I know its easier said than done, I'm in your same situation but just worrying about a different disease the doctors have told men time after time im ok but i can't seem to take their word for it.

05-03-17, 12:08
Sorry that you are stuck in this spiral, it must be very hard for you to concentrate on anything else.

Do you have any thoughts on what you would like to happen next to help you make sense of things?