View Full Version : How Reliable is FOBT?

03-03-17, 11:06
So I have been having ongoing symptoms for 2 months-Doctors are thinking its IBS but of course my mind goes to other places.
I bought a stool test to check for hidden blood and this came back positive which sent me into a total spin-HOWEVER once I calmed down I read up about the results and it appears they can give out false pos and indeed false negs too.
I had been taking meds for a bad back and eaten red meat in the lead up to doinf the test-I didnt kNOW I should not-no instructions with the test to say otherwise.
I also have suffered with piles in the past and think they are still there but not really causing me any problems but perhaps these could be the cause of some hidden blood?
Anyway just worrying about Cancer-can anyone set my mind at rest?
I have done a Calprotectin test also-waiting for results
Is this a better test for detecting the possibility of Cancer?-I know its for inflammation in the bowel but would this show up in Cancer too?
Docs do not seem concerned.

04-03-17, 17:12
Sorry no one responded. I'll take a stab.

An Oncologist I was seeing had me take a FOBT and gave me specific instructions regarding red meat. There were other limitations too. The test also had instructions that said no red meat. So red meat definitely can throw the test off. Piles can also cause issues. Hemorrhoids. The tests are pretty good at picking up blood, they can detect blood that you can't even see.

As for the Calprotectin, The website I use to tell me more about all my tests says that it can detect cancer. There would obviously be additional testing.

I think the bigger problem is that you ignored the diagnosis from medical professionals (whom obviously had a reason to say you had IBS) and you decided to get a FOBT on your own.

How old are you? Are you even in a age range that should worry about Colorectal cancer?

05-03-17, 20:27
Thank you for your reply.
Yes I do think I panicked and worried myself to the point of not really thinking clearly.
I am 39 so yes I do believe I am in the age range.
I am able to see things for what they probably are now-however still a little concerned as I have tested positive,will have a chat to my Doctor.

16-03-17, 14:19
I did one of thee a few weeks back-it was bought online.
It came back Positive and the Doctors know about it but dismissed it saying it could be due to lots of other things-ie-bleeding gums and period!!!!

Anyway I have also had a Calprotectin stool test done and this came back within normal range.
I do not have any other red flag symptoms-all my other symptoms do point to IBS-which is the Docs thoughts.
However I read on here and many other places that if you test positive for blood in stool you should at least be offered further testing?
I am 39 so it is within the realms of possibility that I could have Colon Cancer or at the very least have a polyp or two!
I just worry I am being fobbed off by the Doctors now.
What does everyone think?
Should I be pushing for a Colonoscopy?
I am going to ring the Doc again once one of my other tests come back-CT Scan.
I have been quite calm and back to feeling like "me" again recently but I have again started to worry over the fact I tested pos with no further outcome.

26-03-17, 17:27
tiny bump...anyone?

26-03-17, 17:40

This is just a courtesy reply to let you know that your thread was merged with another of your threads

It is nothing personal it is just to make it easier for people to follow your story and to give you advice as a whole.


21-04-17, 17:15
Hi charlie

I have always had a funny tummy but after a health scare my period and bowels have not quite been the same since so not sure if it's an illness or anxiety. Deep down I think something is not quite right but I also get frobbed off by doctors!!

Fob tests are good and if you do have blood just get the doc to get ones done as it might be bacterial infection or just blood from piles?!. You can get bowel cancer any age but it's rare under 50. I am also trying to push for colonoscopy too.

25-04-17, 21:54
Had one test before. You need to follow the instructions.