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View Full Version : Concerned about my Daughter and Lymph Nodes- Please Help!

03-03-17, 15:24
Hey everyone,

I'm a huge hypochondriac, always have been, but my health anxiety is so much worse when it comes to my children. I can't help but always assume the worst, and right now I'm very scared.

Just after Christmas, my 3 year old had a cold, and I noticed 2 swollen lymph nodes in her neck. I took her to the doctor, and he wasn't concerned, but wanted us to check back in a week to make sure they were gone- they weren't. At this point he ordered an ultrasound scan, and of course I was a mess waiting for the results. We checked back in about another week, and although the nodes were still there, he said they seemed smaller, and that one was too small to detect on the ultrasound, while the other was just over 1cm. They looked as though they were reactive, but wanted to do a repeat scan in 2 months to ensure they were gone. I was feeling pretty relieved at this point, but fast forward almost 2 months from that date and the nodes are still there. :weep: Granted, she is in daycare and has had multiple colds over the past couple months, one of which she's just getting over, so I'm not sure if they've stayed enlarged because of this. I'm really, really scared of lymphoma though. Her next ultrasound scan is on the 6th, and he said at the last appointment that if they weren't gone by then he was going to do bloodwork. Btw, other than the nodes, (and colds), she is her usual, energetic self. I however, am a nervous wreck. Any positive stores/reassurance would really help right now! Thanks

03-03-17, 15:26
Aren't the nodes always there?

Do you understand what they are and what their role is?

03-03-17, 15:28
Thanks for the reply. I understand that lymph nodes often swell in response to fighting a virus/infection. I'm just concerned that they've been enlarged for what seems like forever now.

03-03-17, 15:30
They will do if she is constantly having colds.

Absolutely nothing to worry about.

Kids will let you know when they are not well. The fact that she has colds, and is still energetic and getting on with things is reason to be happy and to relax.

03-03-17, 15:51
"Shotty" or scarred lymph nodes. They've been fighting off so many upper respiratory infections that they've calcified and remained enlarged. They will probably never go away.

Borderline swollen lymph nodes in the neck and groin are almost always found in a child.

03-03-17, 15:53
My son had a row of five enlarged nodes that lasted from the time he turned nine until he turned 11. Some people's never go down. Your doctor is being appropriately cautious, but at the same time, you almost certainly have nothing to worry about.

03-03-17, 16:54
And from my lymphoma health anxiety episode, I recall reading that ultrasounds are pretty good at differentiating between cancerous and regular lymph nodes. They aren't just measuring the size. They are looking at the shape. The internal structure. If they did an ultrasound and said they look reactive... then they are probably reactive. If they do bloodwork, they are probably looking for infection.

03-03-17, 19:28
I'm not a parent yet so I can't entirely relate to worrying about a child but I see my sister worry over my nephew all the time. It's totally normal to be worried about your child.

The only reassurance anyone can give is what's been said: lymph nodes swell in infection and can stay palpable for a very long time, if not forever. Children especially because their so little that the nodes are so easy to feel. I also tell my sister that a "sick" child is sick. As a student if I tell my attending that the child looks sick and lethargic, I get yelled at if that kid isn't almost in a coma.. sick kids are sick.

I only say this because my sister wants to call the doctor in the middle of the night everytime the little guy has a mild cold. Man lol.

06-03-17, 19:31
Thanks everyone. Really appreciate all the replies!

We had her ultrasound today, and won't know the results until they call to book a follow-up appt. The technician really freaked me out though- when she was done he asked if she had been referred for an abdominal ultrasound of liver, spleen and kidneys. I said no, and all he said was , "Oh, okay. Well maybe the doctor will send a referral. We'll see." What the heck am I supposed to think now?! So terrified for my little girl..

06-03-17, 20:34
Not at all sure what that questionin was about, I would be on the phone to the dr this second.

Was it just a flip remark? Did it have any significance at all?

Stuff like that makes me feel insane, I'd be dialing immediately.

06-03-17, 20:42
Yeah, not sure. It really freaked me out though.

I did call her office to ask about it, and they told me that her doctor knows her medical history, not the technician. Furthermore, if it's urgent they usually come downstairs immediately and tell the doctor verbally, and that hasn't happened. I do feel a bit better after calling, but ugh I just want this to be over!

06-03-17, 22:25
Oh good, I'm glad you called.

I hope you get answers soon, this is literally torture. I get it.