View Full Version : Hi, new here!

03-03-17, 17:20
My name is Terri. I've suffered from excess worry all of my life. I figured it was just the way I was. As I got older it got worse, then boom my first panic attack I landed in the ER. Lots of life stresses. Tried books, meditation and medication. I couldn't tolerate the side effects of meds. Well I'm trying a medication now and it seems to be helping. Now I'm afraid I'll worry about the side effects. I'm feeling better and I'm determined to get past this. I was so upset about a life event that I cried for 2 weeks, I was crying in the shower, I couldn't sleep, couldn't eat and cried everywhere I went. I couldn't stand myself. I feel better and I'm glad I found this site. I was afraid no one could understand what it's like to be caught up in this "spinning" that I could not get myself out of. I hope to make some friends here.

03-03-17, 17:26
Hiya snowghost57 and welcome to NMP :welcome:

Why not take a look at our articles on our home page, they contain a wealth of information and are a great starting place for your time on the forum.

I hope you find the as site helpful and informative as I have and that you get the help and support you need here and hope that you meet a few friends along the way :yesyes:

03-03-17, 17:27
Thank you Venus.

03-03-17, 18:58
:welcome: snowghost. I,m sure you will get plenty of help and support here from fellow sufferers. Glad you found us. :yesyes:

03-03-17, 19:02
Thank you for the welcome!

03-03-17, 23:04
Hi Terri - I've just joined the site too but I have struggled with anxiety for all my life! I recognise the 'crying for two weeks' scenario! I have had so many episodes like that - and I still do - but now I just accept that this is what I am like - I try not to read any more into it if you see what I mean.

It's great to hear that the meds are helping a bit and please don't worry about the side effects. They normally pass and you will know yourself if they are too much to bear. Most folks are fine with them after a couple of weeks! I started on Sertraline and I had an upset stomach, chest pains, headaches, jaw clenching, indigestion and poor appetite. It does get a bit frightening! My low dose worked for a while but then wore off so now I am up to the next dose and I can feel the side effects of the the higher dose starting - this time I know it will be fine though! And you will be too.

It's good to talk - I am only now being honest with people about my anxiety and I hid it so well that nobody had a clue - BUT - it is surprising how many people respond to my honesty by being honest about their own anxieties! There are a LOT of us out there!

Good luck with everything!! xx

04-03-17, 14:58
I'm coping with the side effects, it's not fun. I don't feel like myself, however, its nice that the worry is demolished. But the crying and what I call "spinning"-thoughts of worry that are out of control. I too have had anxiety all of my life and I'm tired of it. I've only had one episode of crying for two weeks and I couldn't cope with it. I'm getting older and I don't want to spend the rest of my life in fear, anxiety and worry. This site is a comfort as I felt isolated in my anxiety. It's a comfort to know I'm not alone. I have to increase my meds next week. I'm determined this time to give the meds a chance, (I never did in the past) I will get through this and I hope everyone one day conquers this evil beast.

20-03-17, 17:58

I wanted to see if I could help/relate to your post and see your reason for joining.

Firstly, I am totally med free; one of my phobias and I have battled anxiety for most of my life, but was only diagnosed after my first panic attack 3 years ago.

I wanted you to know that I have managed to climb out of that fearful pit and give you hope. Unfortunately for me, I have had quite a few traumas recently which has led to my downfall. If you feel you need meds to help you along the way, then no-one judges you for that. At the end of the day, you do what ever it takes to help.

This Forum will become your compendium and I am sure you will meet some lovely people on here. If nothing else, you can compare notes. :D
But, you are definitely not alone and surprisingly there many, many people that feel the same way. x

20-03-17, 18:23

I know it feels like a never ending time of tears, but it is actually what you need to do.
Whether you realise it or not, there are times when we carry stress around on our back like a rucksack and we brush aside an upset or worry ourselves in to a state.
Crying is a release and it is good for you in this instance.
It may be the simplest of things that set you off and you wonder why now?
It doesn't matter. This is your bodies way of coping and keeping you safe.
I remember crying over a latte that I ordered and they gave me the wrong size.
How pathetic is that?
We tend to stay strong and cope in the midst of a difficult situation.
So we have to cry a t the trivial things in life.
At some point, the crying stops for a while and then you might find it starts up again.
But, be kind to yourself. Wrap yourself up in a blanket if that gives you comfort.
Buy yourself a teddy to cuddle at night.
Just do whatever gives you comfort and makes you feel safe.
It is exhausting, but it won't be forever and remember that it is what you need to do. x :hugs:

20-03-17, 18:30
Sorry snowghost, I've only just seen the post.

:welcome: to NMP


20-03-17, 19:02
Not daft at all Maisie. :hugs:

I have one myself. I think it should be compulsory to have a comfort blanket. x

21-03-17, 05:03

I wanted to see if I could help/relate to your post and see your reason for joining.

Firstly, I am totally med free; one of my phobias and I have battled anxiety for most of my life, but was only diagnosed after my first panic attack 3 years ago.

I wanted you to know that I have managed to climb out of that fearful pit and give you hope. Unfortunately for me, I have had quite a few traumas recently which has led to my downfall. If you feel you need meds to help you along the way, then no-one judges you for that. At the end of the day, you do what ever it takes to help.

This Forum will become your compendium and I am sure you will meet some lovely people on here. If nothing else, you can compare notes. :D
But, you are definitely not alone and surprisingly there many, many people that feel the same way. x

Thank you carnation for your post. I am weaning off the medication. I have made a few friends already including you since this is an old post!

21-03-17, 11:08
Hey Maisie we all need hugs from time to time, even us Guys do and I am not ashamed to admit either :) Cheers

21-03-17, 16:21
For you Bigboy :hugs:

21-03-17, 16:34
Thanks Bigboy. Much needed :hugs:
You are welcome :) Cheers

---------- Post added at 16:34 ---------- Previous post was at 16:33 ----------

For you Bigboy :hugs: Thanks Carnation and one on it's way for you too :hugs:Cheers