View Full Version : Stupid question - Bruised from touching

03-03-17, 21:33
I think I know the answer, but I was hoping to hear personal experiences. Has anyone every bruised themselves by rubbing on a particular part of their body? There was some sort of bug bite or something on my leg that gave me crazy anxiety. I would rub my hand over it for 5-10 minutes pressing on it to see if there were lumps under the skin. Now there's a yellow bruise.

Has anyone else accidentally made their anxiety worse by constant poking, prodding, rubbing? I'm convinced this bruising is something malignant under my skin, as opposed to a very typical healing bruise.

Clydesdale Epona
03-03-17, 22:57
Yep all the time, i'm always poking and prodding at things that cause me worse pain/accidents than the fear itself x

All the best :hugs:

04-03-17, 02:47
Yup! I've totally done this! I have to force myself not to fuss with every spot or part that feels slightly strange one day because I know by the next day it will feel twice as bad just from my messing with it and I'll just get more anxious!

04-03-17, 03:46
I can cause some serious bruises though. It's horrible. I've made my body swell from poking before.