View Full Version : Someone posted this to do with hypothyroid and scared me to death :(

03-03-17, 23:41
So, I'm on facebook looking through the posts and the mighty comes up at mental health page, I like that page and someone comments this link and scares me to death with a description.

Apparently Hypothyroidism can cause depression, anxiety, tiredness etc and now I'm worried incase this could be the cause :( I am tired have been all week but for that I haven't had the best nights sleep I will admit but this still scares me.


03-03-17, 23:45
Someone posted this to do with hypothyroid and scared me to death :(

Scared you to death? Why? It just means that your thyroid is under-active. It can be treated with meds. I have to have my thyroid levels checked every 6 months due to my cancer treatment. No biggie. It's an easy blood test to determine if indeed that's the case but I doubt that's the issue here.

Positive thoughts

03-03-17, 23:46
Hi, I know how you feel. I convinced myself for about 2 years that I had hyperthyroidism, another thyroid disorder. Even when I had a blood test, I didn't believe I didn't have at first. But don't worry, fatigue has several causes, most likely it's just the anxiety or lack of sleep. Often I get spells of fatigue but they soon pass. Even if you were to have hypothyroid, it is easily treatable and isn't the worst disease in the world, even though I doubt you do.
Hope you start feeling better soon x

03-03-17, 23:57
[QUOTE=Fishmanpa;1655423]Someone posted this to do with hypothyroid and scared me to death :(

Scared you to death? Why? It just means that your thyroid is under-active. It can be treated with meds. I have to have my thyroid levels checked every 6 months due to my cancer treatment. No biggie. It's an easy blood test to determine if indeed that's the case but I doubt that's the issue here.

Positive thoughts

It said if left for 20 years or so it can cause worse or even death

04-03-17, 00:18
Go for a test then if you're worried ???

04-03-17, 00:21
It said if left for 20 years or so it can cause worse or even death

With the severity of your HA, it wouldn't be left for more than a week ;)

Positive thoughts

Catherine S
04-03-17, 00:25
I have an underactive thyroid and take thyroxine once a day to treat it. And well...that's about it really.

ISB :)

04-03-17, 00:26
So I'm now worrying about this i looked up a self test oh god why and found one on youtube anyway i don't know what I'm feeling for or looking for I have a thinner neck as I'm a thinner guy it's been like this i think for as long as i remember but I can't find the location of where it is.

Going down my neck i feel like a bit that comes out adams apple? and down the sides it does feel quite firm basically that area sticks out a little bit is this normal? because firm tissue could mean an enlarged or something :( like when i'm in a normal position it doesn't feel squidgy :(

Clydesdale Epona
04-03-17, 00:27
If you're really worried then go get a blood test but I can assure you I've had one since I was born and I've only just been diagnosed and I'm still fine, it can be a little annoying at times but its not deadly

All the best :hugs:

04-03-17, 00:28
Pretty sure if you have undiagnosed hypothyroidism you wouldn't be thin and you'd be having lots more symptoms.

04-03-17, 00:41
So you think I'm feeling the wrong part

Gary A
04-03-17, 00:53
"I haven't been worrying for a few weeks, so I decided to Google something that'll make me worry even though I have absolutely no reason to."

I swear, if some of you put as much effort into fighting your bloody anxiety as you do trying to induce it this site wouldn't even exist.

04-03-17, 10:08
Hypothyroidism is really manageable - I have it.

04-03-17, 10:34
The article in the link is for hyperparathyroidism, unless I've misread. Totally different thing

---------- Post added at 10:34 ---------- Previous post was at 10:30 ----------

Pretty sure if you have undiagnosed hypothyroidism you wouldn't be thin and you'd be having lots more symptoms.

My Dad has an underactive thyroid and is thin. Didn't gain any weight at all, however he has always been one of those people unable to gain weight so that maybe why.
However like you say there'd be more symptoms.

04-03-17, 13:01
The only thing I'm really struggling with at the minute is over sleeping probably causing the tiredness I just get really depressed up on waking up :( and don't get up and go back to sleep about 4 times before waking up at 12 or half 12 I don't go to bed untill 2 am usually.

So I'm getting over 10 hours apparently over 8 is classed as oversleeping I think.

I do eat allot and never put anything on however I've always been like for as long as I can remember

04-03-17, 22:03
Worrying about hypothyroidism is great. It is such an easy and simple thing to manage :)

I was diagnosed with hashimotos thyrodis (an auto immune underactive thyroid disorder) at 12, though if my growth charts are to believed symptoms started around age 6. I was tiny in my teens and still get mistaken for a teenager now (always asked if my parents are in when I answer the door of my own home xD)

All I have to do is take my medication once a day and have a blood test once a year (unless showing symptoms, then I go and have one to check).

It's not affected my life in the slightest. My mother was 51 when she was diagnosed with an underactive thyroid, and that was only because doctors were puzzled that I had a thyroid disorder when my mum didn't so made her go have tests too!

It's not impacted my life in the slightest, even having it so young. I get tired easy and I have to be aware that it's likely I'll put weight on easier than I'll take it off but that's about it.

So get tested. Either you don't have it (and that is great) or you do have it and need to take a tiny pill once a day :)

---------- Post added at 21:59 ---------- Previous post was at 21:58 ----------

Also, when my thyroid is out of whack I'll sleep 18 hours a day. 10 is my normal xD

---------- Post added at 22:03 ---------- Previous post was at 21:59 ----------

And adding again, I've never been overweight. Always been pretty slim ^^

04-03-17, 23:05
The smart thing to do would have been not to follow the link. You knew when you clicked on it that it would take you somewhere your HA didn't need to go. The problem with many people here is that they don't get that 99 percent of the work needed to beat HA has to come from them.

05-03-17, 00:50
Hypothyroidism isn't that bad is it? I was tested for it by my doctor just to rule out physical causes for my anxiety. He was pretty adamant on it meaning very little if it was.

05-03-17, 04:23
Well, at least you're not still obsessed over your poop. This is a step up from that.

05-03-17, 12:13
When I first presented at my doctor with anxiety, they did a full suite of blood tests, thyroid is one of those.

Lockey1995 - when you went to the doctor with anxiety, did they not do the same?

05-03-17, 20:02
Well, at least you're not still obsessed over your poop. This is a step up from that.

That's gone for now

---------- Post added at 20:02 ---------- Previous post was at 20:01 ----------

When I first presented at my doctor with anxiety, they did a full suite of blood tests, thyroid is one of those.

Lockey1995 - when you went to the doctor with anxiety, did they not do the same?

No they did not I got reffered to cbt

05-03-17, 20:11
Fair enough, well given all your multiple concerns it is obviously you are a Health Anxiety sufferer but maybe getting this on element checked at the doctors might get it off the list...and you will know that it is not your thyroid causing you the anxiety so you can continue your other treatment.

05-03-17, 21:44
Raise your dose of meds. They aren't working.