View Full Version : Worried. possible high/low blood pressure?

04-03-17, 02:06
Hi. I'm new here. I've been feeling dizzy for two days (on and off) and having panic attacks. I'm 32. My baseline blood pressure is usually 120/70 or 110/70 or 120/80.

I've had 24h holter done in July last year. Around 30 PACs/day with occasional sinus tachy. Echo was done, and no structural defect, no Mitral Valve Prolapse.

I've had anxiety (panic) for 4 years now. I grew up in a stressful family environment (dad was a verbally abusive alcoholic, now an amputee who needs taking care of and still with the same behavior). It may or may not be the source of my anxiety, not sure but the biggest panic attack (first time) came out of nowhere unprovoked in 2013 so I can't say if there's a connection.

Now I'm also a bit of a hypochondriac because both of my parents (plus aunts and uncles) have a family history of diabetes and heart disease. I'm having abnormal spotting outside of my period (which happened twice in the past whenever I was in extreme stress). The fear is driving me crazy. Add to this the PACs/PVCs I feel that take my breath away. Right now I'm also in a state of frantic thinking because of things happening around me-- I have to move to another country soon, major sleep deprivation (I work nights), financial problems, job stress (I can't stop working even if I know I need to rest), the political climate in my country isn't looking good and so on.

Sorry for ranting. Just asking if this dizziness could still be anxiety considering my baseline is usually 120/80 or could it be high blood pressure because my bp goes up to 160/100 when I'm having a panic attack. When I take Inderal, my symptoms are temporarily relieved and the dizziness goes away. Inderal is both for anxiety and high blood pressure so I don't know which one it is affecting. I'm also agoraphobic so it isn't easy for me to go to the doctor's. I also live in a quite primitive country where mental illness is taboo and seen as a weakness so the doctors I went to didn't want to give benzos.

Going out of my mind feeling things in my body, feeling like I want to vomit while in this state, and feeling dizzy. Does anxiety get this bad? I mean I know panic attacks are horrible especially during their peak, but to feel "background anxiety" by feeling dizzy the whole day and wanting to throw up-- do people get this way with anxiety or could this be my heart?

Sorry for the long post. Thank you.

Clydesdale Epona
04-03-17, 10:45
This all sounds like anxiety to me, and the spotting could be due to all this stress you're going through x

All the best :hugs:

05-03-17, 01:33
Thank you for the response. I'm starting to think so too! I noticed the spotting goes away when I feel more relaxed in a specific day than during a day with multiple panic attacks. So this body decides to bleed when stressed... what a way to live.
I might go to the doctor next week.