View Full Version : Panic attack/anxiety spray (natural medication)

04-03-17, 02:52
Hey guys,
I was in shock today when my boyfriends mum introduced me to a spray that her son sprays on his tongue when he feels anxious. I looked them up on Holland and barret as well as Amazon and it seems there's mixed reviews. I just wanted to know if anyone on here has tried the sprays, chewing gum etc and if they're more like placebos? I'm a huge sufferer of panic disorder and I'm desperately looking for natural remedies before agreeing to go back on the Prozac. So yeah has anyone tried any of these? Do they work? Is it a placebo effect? And would you reccomend? I tried some today but I wasn't anxious at the time so I wouldn't be able to say if it worked. I felt relaxed but as I said could be a placebo effect. I was going to order a spray tomorrow.

Clydesdale Epona
04-03-17, 10:42
The natural sprays aren't a placebo as such, as they have natural ingredients in them which are known to calm you down, I haven't used the sprays yet as they're really pricey but I do drink herbal teas that have the same ingredients and they work, I also have an aromatherapy nose stick that works great!
things like gum and toffees are more on the placebo effect line because its just a distraction but I do find lollipops still really helpful x
My partner uses the spray themself and really likes it so I'd say there's no harm in trying, just try and keep a positive attitude when you do use it :)

All the best :hugs:

04-03-17, 11:45
I've used a natural remedy spray before, and although I'd find that it gives me more confidence, it wouldn't work well for me as it wouldn't suffice to make me calm. :( Saying that, it's worth trying it as you might get on well with it. :)

04-03-17, 19:13
If you are extremely bad they wouldn't do much for you tbh. They didn't help me.

06-03-17, 09:50
I found the rescue remedy sprays helpful but don't expect them to work miracles. I also drink camomile tea and have lavender room spray which seems to help a lot.

As far as medication goes if you don't want to go back on Prozac maybe you could try something like the beta blocker Propranolol. I take one 10mg in the morning and it helps a lot, I'm prescribed them on a 'take as needed' basis.
10 mg is a very low dose so you could take more. It works by lessening the physical symptoms but it doesn't do anything for the thoughts side of anxiety.

Hope this helps x