View Full Version : Is it possible for low blood sugar to cause abdominal pain?

04-03-17, 03:00
Hello everyone,

Now I'm not sure if I'm hypoglycaemic but I worry about it often and it has become one of my major healthy anxiety worries. Sometimes I notice that when I realize that I haven't eaten in 3 hours I'll start to get this dull abdominal pain, it's not huger pains, they feel different.

At times I can ignore them, but then other times they put me in complete panic and usually go away if I eat something.

Could low blood sugar cause that?

04-03-17, 03:14
When you have stomach pain that gets better with eating I believe it can be acid related. This happened to me once a few year ago. It felt kind of like rolling waves of dull pain. It happened to start the morning after my birthday party where I'd eaten terribly and drank a lot. I called my doctor when it didn't go away after a day and he said to try a liquid antacid like Maalox or Mylanta. I did, and it worked after just a day or two!