View Full Version : When i vomit i go into afib

04-03-17, 04:29
Im 25 years old slim. 2 years ago i got drunk and vomitted and it caused my heart to go into afib, after staying in the hospital for 3 days on a monitor and had echocardiogram vhest xray blood tests the doctor found nothing wrong with my heart, well fast forward nearly 2 years i vomit again and once again i go straight into afib and i go to the er and repeat the whole process and still get same "good" test results. The cardiologist says that the vomiting is triggering the afib and since it only happens when i vomit there's no reason to treat it. I have a history of heart palpitations. And now im left in the dark and afraid to death of vomiting everytime nausea hits me i panic.what can i do?

Catherine S
04-03-17, 05:43
True atrial fibrillation is a treatable heart condition, but both cardiologists on both occasions said there is nothing wrong with your heart and no point in treating it. If as you say, you have a history of palpitations which alot of people here do also, myself included, then the force of bringing stomach contents up is obviously making these palpitations much worse...but only at that time.

Anything that irritates the stomach can also irritate the heart, that's a proven fact. Heart flutters and skipped beats aren't always down to anxiety although anxiety can make them worse, but alot of the time they can be the result of whatever condition our digestive system is in at any given time.

As for being in the dark, there isn't really much more the doctors can tell you in order to bring you back into the light, other than its something that happens when you vomit, that you will always get through it, and that you don't have heart disease.

Rather than finding ways to stop the occasional vomitting, perhaps you could take a beta blocker at low dose on a daily basis, to calm your heart down. ...they help alot with palpitations in general, and may stop them from getting any worse when you are ill in future.