View Full Version : Going back to work

22-04-07, 11:31
Hi everyone

Am going back to work tomorrow after being off for a while - am really, really anxious about it, even though I love my job and the people I work with.

Does anyone have any tips on how I can overcome these feelings - I have to go back for financial reasons so remaining off isn't an option.

As I say I really enjoy my job and it isn't stressful so why am I in such a state about it? Feels like the hours are dragging today......

Thanks in advance

Nicola xxx

22-04-07, 11:47
Hi Nicola,

I think your in a state because you have been off for a while and it feels like a huge step to go back. Also your confidence has probably taken a knock so it will be a bit daunting.

I would say try not to think too far ahead...deal with the day in chunks of say one hour (or half an hour if thats too much). Even now I think of getting through the morning and then once thats over get through the afternoon and I've been back 18 months lol!

Are you having a phased return at all?...I found that really helped.

Try and have a nice day today. Do something to distract your mind from tomorrow, have a nice relaxing night tonight and maybe pamper yourself.

Good luck for tomorrow and remember the anticipation is usually worse than the actually event.

Hope it goes well and I look forward to reading about your day in success stories when you've got through it.

luv Coni X:hugs:

22-04-07, 13:15
Hi Nicola

I would also like to wish you good luck for tomorrow, i can remember my first day back at work i was a nervous wreck the day before, all the what ifs etc, but i was fine, im sure you will be too Nicola, like Coni says, have a relaxing day today and try not to worry.:)

Hope all goes well Nicola, will look forward to hearing all about it, and will be thinking of you.:hugs:


24-04-07, 20:02

Just a quick note to let you know - work has been fine, better today than yesterday.....but I think I've definitely made the right decision to go back.

Thanks for your thoughts.

Nicola xxx

24-04-07, 20:23
Hi Nicola

So pleased to hear work as gone well:) :) :)

It was a BIG decision you made, and its a BIG achievement too!:)
Im sure before long it will be like you where never away:ohmy:

Proud of you hun!:yesyes:


24-04-07, 21:21
Well done.

It is always the anticipation and not the actual event that is worse.

Glad you are enjoying it.

25-04-07, 09:46
Well done on going back. It's like going back to school isn't it after long Summer hols, you want to see some people and could without the rubbish bits.

Good luck and take it easy to get back in the flow.

25-04-07, 09:57
A big well done! :yesyes:

Love Piglet :flowers:

25-04-07, 12:09
Hi Nicola!

Glad you're getting on OK now. :)

I've been back at work for 12months and would like to have had a phased return - but that wasn't possible. Like you I had to go back for financial reasons.

Takes a while to get back into the swing of things doesn't it? But it's great when it works out!
