View Full Version : Armpit pain

04-03-17, 13:22
My health anxiety eased up the past few months, but now a symptom has brought it roaring back with a vengeance. :weep:
The symptom is pain in my left armpit.
A little background: about two weeks ago, I bought a new brand of deodorant that was on sale, which I had not used before. This deodorant caused me to have an allergic reaction, I guess: it made both my armpits itch terribly.
But no rash, bumps, redness, anything. Just itching.
It was so bad that it was causing me to scratch my armpits in my sleep, really hard.
For some stupid reason, I used this deodorant for almost two weeks before giving up and buying a different kind.
So, I had this itching for several weeks, but it has now subsided since I've discontinued the deodorant.
But now I notice a pain/ tender spot in my left armpit.
It is not on the skin surface, it is deeper.
It hurts when I run a finger lightly over the spot. It also hurts when I squeeze my arm against my side.
Again, it is NOT on the surface of the skin, it is below that.
Any skin irritation I caused by all the itching and scratching has gone away, now that I've switched deodorant brands.
I don't see anything when I look at my underarm in the mirror, and I do not feel any lump.
But why this tenderness, concentrated only in one spot?

I'm a little less freaked out than I might be otherwise, simply because I just had this allergic itching problem, and I feel this might somehow be related. But how, since this isn't on my skin?
Could I have damaged a nerve, tendon, lymph node, or something deeper inside by scratching?
And why would it wait til NOW to start hurting (I haven't been scratching for the past several days, since switching deodorants).

This is perplexing, and it's hard to take my mind off it, since nearly any body movement that causes my arm to press against my side causes a twinge of pain.

Of course my mind is leaping to cancer- breast, lymphoma, whatever.
Although there is no noticeable lump (yet).

I am afraid I am going to start googling and go into a spiral.
My rational mind is telling me to wait a few days and see if this pain goes away.
But what if it doesn't? Then what?
It's not like I can go to a doctor, I'm uninsured.

God help me, I seriously thought my anxiety was getting a lot better. Now I'm right back to square one. :(

04-03-17, 14:54
We all have aches and pains throughout our body. I have often experienced the exact pain you described. It might have always been like that but you're just more aware now. Before you google please ask yourself 'has google EVER made me feel better?' ' Why am I googling?' - Don't do yourself the injustice of googling. Remember there is NO way an internet search knows what is going on in your body.

What would you advise a friend if they came to you with this problem?

04-03-17, 15:20
We all have aches and pains throughout our body. I have often experienced the exact pain you described. It might have always been like that but you're just more aware now. Before you google please ask yourself 'has google EVER made me feel better?' ' Why am I googling?' - Don't do yourself the injustice of googling. Remember there is NO way an internet search knows what is going on in your body.

What would you advise a friend if they came to you with this problem?

True- I know googling will only make me feel worse.
I would advise a friend to wait, and if it didn't go away in a few days to go to a doctor.
But the fact that I'm uninsured since my divorce means I can't go to a doctor.
And i think that is the root cause of a lot of my anxiety.
Being a 44-year-old single mom and knowing that if something serious arises, I have no way to get medical care.

Yes, I plan to wait. I am trying not to google. I know it will not do me any good, and will ruin my weekend.

I absolutely hate health anxiety, it's the worst. :weep:

04-03-17, 16:28
Absolutely it is definitely the worst. Any other form of anxiety I can deal with okay, but when it comes to worrying about health I just break down. I am a mum too and it makes it even harder to think of the future and not being there for your kids.

Try being in the moment more with your children and realising that no amount of worry will cause any problems. It's not a lump, it's just pain. And I've had the same thing as you many times and I am totally fine :]

You will be fine, it's just hypervigilence to symptoms and sensations that cause the anxiety.

Try even some mindfulness and meditation too.

You'll be fine :] :hugs:

---------- Post added at 16:28 ---------- Previous post was at 16:27 ----------

Also well done for not googling :hugs:

I've actually locked the internet on my smart phone because it stops me sitting for hours obsessing.

05-03-17, 16:13
The pain is much less today, I'm pleased to report.

05-03-17, 20:19
Great. Just keeping being mindful of the CBT techniques you are using and things will settle. Of course you know that, as that's what you tell me :)

06-03-17, 03:01
Could it be an ingrown hair?