View Full Version : Anxiety and feeling weird

04-03-17, 23:43
Just need some reassurance, I've always had GAD but 2 and half years ago I had a panic attack and 2 days went on and I felt fine but then I woke up feeling very strange, I didn't feel like myself than I started getting more panic attack started to get this weird out of body feeling then I started to get intrusive thoughts that scared me, I would always feel like I was on auto pilot and the only way the weird detached feeling would go away is if I was worrying about something, now I just don't feel like myself but i know who I am so it sounds weird, my psychiatrist said it's anxiety. Just want the weird feeling to leave :(

04-03-17, 23:55
I have this feeling during times of anxiety and depression, it's like you're living in a fog, detached, like you can't think straight. It's a horrible symptom, with me, I have periods of anxiety and depression and periods of feeling well, when I feel detached and unwell, my husband says I look "cheesy", he means he can physically see I'm not right, even though my problems are solely due to anxiety/depression. For me, this is a temporary thing, but whilst you are in it, it consumes you. I'm no doctor and I don't know about your history (and if you haven't, you could always talk to your GP about what's going on and they will be able to point you in the right direction to get help), but I'd say, just hang on in there and it will pass. Good luck, I hope you feel better soon, it's a horrible sensation.

05-03-17, 00:47
Yahvmy dovtor said it's anxiety I think it's depersonalization but my psychiatrist said that's more complicated and mines just anxiety, I just don't feel like I'm me it's like I feel like I've changed but I haven't, but thank you !:)

05-03-17, 01:27
Just need some reassurance, I've always had GAD but 2 and half years ago I had a panic attack and 2 days went on and I felt fine but then I woke up feeling very strange, I didn't feel like myself than I started getting more panic attack started to get this weird out of body feeling then I started to get intrusive thoughts that scared me, I would always feel like I was on auto pilot and the only way the weird detached feeling would go away is if I was worrying about something, now I just don't feel like myself but i know who I am so it sounds weird, my psychiatrist said it's anxiety. Just want the weird feeling to leave :(

I believe you're describing depersonalization/derealization (the detached, disconnected feeling).
This is, I understand, a common anxiety symptom.
I don't generally get this, but I know loads of other people here have experience with it.
I'm sorry you're feeling this way.
I do not know the answer, but I have heard that caffeine can make it worse, so you might avoid caffeine, at least til you get it sorted.
It's good that you're seeing someone. I wish you the best of luck.

05-03-17, 01:33
Thank you so much! And yah my doctor thinks it's from change, because my parents got a divorce than I moved really quick went to a new school so she said it probably set my anxiety through the roof but thank you !:)