View Full Version : Anyone ever feel scared stiff - literally

05-03-17, 00:13
Hi, I've posted a long post recently about my history with anxiety/depression/panic. My anxiety is lingering, it's been several weeks now and I can't shake it. I've gone from being an insomniac to not being able to get out of bed. I found myself twice sitting on my bed or over an hour, scared to move. I think it's because I'm hoping I'll be feeling ok, but until I get up and get going I won't know, though I think the very fact I'm doing this is a pretty good indicator that I'm not feeling well. I sat on a chair today for half an hour and couldn't move. In the end I had some diazepam and it did take the edge off it. That's what it's for, I should use it when I need it and that's right now.

Showering, I'm scared of showering when I'm in this anxiety cycle, I don't know why and I do do it every day, but for some weird reason, I'm hung up on it.

I'm sick of feeling nervous all the time and depressed all the time. I think this bought of anxiety actually started before christmas. I'm due to travel to Cornwall on my own on Monday, I prefer being on my own, I have a family, kids, a husband, but I just hate being relied on, in case I can't do things because of my anxiety, letting people down. Being away for a few days, totally on my own, will be a good thing.

My husband is so supportive and reassuring, I'm lucky he's here and has never, ever, judged or been anything but helpful, taking the slack off where he can, even though he works long, hard hours. He lost his daughter too and he has a severely disabled son too, he has the worries I have. I'm just sick of myself.

05-03-17, 08:38
Reggie, I hope you will get some real benefit from being away from all your carer duties. You sound as if you are mentally and physically exhausted. I know how much strain it puts you under being relied on all the time. You deserve some respite time on your own and your husband realises this-he sounds a very supportive man who cares for you deeply.

I'm a carer too and am told all the time how much I'm relied upon. It's not helpful. Try and recharge your mental batteries and look after yourself when you are in Cornwall x

06-03-17, 08:34
Thank you! I appreciate your input, hope you are ok too x