View Full Version : 1 year old with chronic cough and fever

05-03-17, 02:44
I have a 1 year old son who has for the past 3 weeks a bad cough that sounds like theres a bunch of mucus built ip and when he breaths in it sounds like hes having a tough time getting the air in and hes also had a fever we've been fighting with motrin and tylenol. Hes sleepy alot but also restless and hes not wanting to eat much at all. We've seen 3 doctors 2 of were at his doctors office and 1 at the er and hes been prescribed2 antibiotics both were meant to gmfight infection like amoxicillin but he continues to get worse and we dont know what to do at this point because nobody has told us whats wrong and he has coughed so much hes throwing up and he cant even really cry anymore I guess he's coughed so much he doesn't have the voice to cry or laugh or anything. Any ideas on what we can do next?

05-03-17, 15:26
Poor little thing. If you are worried go back to doctor, it sounds like he is very uncomfortable. Thinking what helps, ( when one of my children was that age every cough put him in hospital but he needed inhalers) when he had a cough or the others did we would go into the bathroom, shut the door & run a hot bath/ shower or even sink & sit next to it so the steam would give some relief, obviously take care. It was recommended by a doctor & seemed to help. Hope he feels well soon:hugs: xx