View Full Version : Acid reflux

05-03-17, 13:07
Hi everyone
2 weeks ago I suddenly started having acid in my throat.
I started worrying about it instantly that it could be some form stomach or
Throat cancer. I had heavy chest to. When I first wake up it's not there. And when I lay down and breath and relax it's goes.
I ended up in a&e Tuesday as I just couldn't handle the thoughts that I could have cancer. They done bloods, X-rays, ecg , urine text and all clear. But still not convinced.
Health anxiety took over 2 years ago when my mum out of the blue was diagnosed with rare blood cancer. She was told she had 7 months but after a trial which involved me giving her my stem cells she is still here today.
Can anxiety cause acid reflux etc
Any advice or help would be so appreciated right now
Thabkyou xxx

05-03-17, 14:09
Anxiety causes the absolute worst acid reflux in me ever. It burns. Especially when I lay down. I don't know why you'd jump to the conclusion of throat or stomach cancer because you experience something the majority of adults experience. Its a bit of a leap.

I typically take an antiacid that is thicker and coats the esophagus well. That'll help a bit.

05-03-17, 15:28
There are a few acid type tablets you could try. Your GP would prescribe you, or you can buy from chemist I have HA and have been prescribed Esomeprazole for acid reflux. There are so many side effects though. Reading the leaflet puts people off taking certain meds. I was wondering, and still am if there is something more serious.
Time will tell.

05-03-17, 16:44
I am also suffering from acid reflux. I think that it was set off by anxiety and it is now the focus of my HA. I also have developed HA since my mum was diagnosed with NHL last month. I previously had episodes of compulsive behaviours again linked the health worries.

I am in a vicious cycle as the more I worry about my symptoms the worse they feel and the. I am convinced it is something terrible despite X-rays and bloods being clear and a few different doctors telling me not to worry.

Good luck with it, I am going to GP tomorrow to get some help for the HA.

05-03-17, 17:40
My doctor just prescribed me some tablets for acid reflux and told me that I got to stop stressing, because that is what is happening when you stress, my doctor also told me that my sore throat is from acid reflux, but I'm not concerned!

Your mind is a powerful tool and it can change a lots of things in your body

Take care x