View Full Version : Introduce my Yourself

22-04-07, 15:16
Hi every one

I am a 47 old male and i have had panic ataces most of my life and have a bit of troble going in to stores by my self, iam starting to make some head way i see some one for them and im on wellbutrin and adavine, seems to help , i just found this site last night and i think it could be of some help to me, and im just glad to have some suport, i always use to think i was the only person in the world like this.

John from Newington ct

22-04-07, 15:30
Welcome Johnr2,

You are most certainly not the only one like this and you will find many with the same issues as you. Look around and if you like post. The chat room is also a great place to visit for when you feel anxious or to have a laugh. So glad you found this great site.


Pink Princess
22-04-07, 15:32
welcome to the site, you will find friends here who understand and go through the same. dont worry. hope to talk soon. take kare xxx

22-04-07, 15:33
Hi John

And welcome to NMP, its lovely to see you here:) im sure you will get some great advice while making new friends on the way:)


22-04-07, 16:57

Welcome to the forum, you will get a lot of good advice here and make some new friends

Take care

Trac xx

22-04-07, 18:21
Welcome john. Try cognitive training if you have not already because it has helped me enormously.

22-04-07, 21:08
Hi John and welcome aboard.

Lovely to see you here and hope we can be of some help.

22-04-07, 21:26
Hi John! Big :welcome:to you!

Youv'e certainly come to the right place!

23-04-07, 00:03
Hi John, welcome to NMP

23-04-07, 09:25
Hi John

a big welcome .

Love Sandy xxx

23-04-07, 09:44
You're very welome on here. It will help in that you know that you are NOT the only person with these problems.

24-06-07, 15:01
I Just want to thank every one for the nice replys to my ..introduce my self, as i am new on here i just found the reply..John

14-07-07, 00:03
Good to have you here johnr