View Full Version : What is going on with me!!!!!!

05-03-17, 15:05
I'm having a slew of symptoms and it's freaking me out. Please tell me I'm not alone. I'm going to and ENT Tuesday but it's taking all my effort to not run to the hospital.
Had a vertigo spell on Wed of last week
ringing in ears
visual snow and light sensitivity
feel like I'm walking on a boat
low back pain made worse by sitting
pressure in head made worse by sitting
pressure in ears
pressure in jaw bone

I'm terrified to go to the Dr because I'm afraid hes going to say brain tumor or heart problems.

Please tell me I'm not the only ones to have this. I just need hugs.

05-03-17, 19:25
supermom, all of these can be related to anxiety.
When you are in a state of high anxiety, you become over-sensitised.
I've had all of those you mentioned.

The walking on a boat has been mentioned on here hundreds of times.
Even a swaying feeling. It's scary, but it's just a feeling.