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View Full Version : Still Feeling Under the Weather

05-03-17, 18:22
I posted on here a couple days ago about how I had a really bad sore throat and body aches for like two days. Well, it turned into nasal congestion, stuffy nose, runny nose, and a scratchy throat. It's now been 6 days and my sore throat is gone but it's replaced by post nasal drip which sucks. I still feel some congestion in my sinuses. My nose is running periodically and it's not longer stuffed up which is nice. I felt like I was getting better and then last night I couldn't really sleep because of the post nasal drip. My throat was so scratchy when I swallowed that I felt sick to my stomach and wanted to cough. It really made me anxious. Now this morning since I got up it feels like things are breaking up. I have a productive wettish cough, nothing is really coming out but it's rattling and I can feel it in my chest. I'm a little worried that maybe it'll move to my chest now and I'll get pneumonia or bronchitis. I had bronchitis back in October and it started out a million times worse than this has so I keep telling myself that. I just need some peace of mind. I saw my doc yesterday and she said to wait it out and that my body is fighting a virus. I'm still worried she missed something or I'm going to get worse. Is it normal for things to start to break up when you're getting over a virus? I just want to get over this so I can get back to feeling like myself. Anxiety always makes me feel like that will never happen

05-03-17, 18:27
Its just this time of year, viruses & all. They can make you feel so rubbish but before you know it you'll be you again. Its good doc wasn't worried. I get more anxious when laid up with things like that, gives me too much time to think:/ Take care xx