View Full Version : I have no one to talk too

05-03-17, 18:24
I know reassurance seeking is bad- but I have no one else to talk to about this- my husband just doesn't understand anxiety and is not very sympathetic- I don't tell my family or friends because I am embarrassed.....my husband is unemployed right now so we don't have insurance so I can't see a therapist because we can't afford it now- so here is my worry- my son who is 5 has been sick recently- he has an ear infection and strep throat- I get stressed out when my kids are sick because I always worry that it is something more- so he has been on antibiotics for about 5 days and doing much better- no fever etc- then this morning he wakes up and says his legs hurt in the calf area on both legs- he was struggling to walk, he even held on to a piece of furniture, then after about an hour he was feeling 100% better, running and jumping around like normal- however I did what we aren't supposed to do and I googled- an article came up about a lady whose daughter was diagnosed with leukemia and the only symptom was leg pain- reading this sends me through the roof- in the article she says he daughter would complain of leg pain occasionally but would then go on and act totally normal- then the pain started becoming more frequent and more intense and eventually a leukemia diagnosis was made. So now my mind is spinning- what if this leg pain is the start of leukemia? Help!

05-03-17, 18:30
I did what we aren't supposed to do and I googled

:doh: That's totally self inflicted I'm afraid. Watching your child run around 100% normal should be reassurance enough.

Positive thoughts

05-03-17, 18:44
You would think so.....but in the article the mother said her daughter would also act completely normal- did gymnastics etc and then 7 weeks after the first leg complaint she was diagnosed with leukemia.....

05-03-17, 18:48
One random article is utterly meaningless. If you're going to diagnosis your child with life-threatening illnesses based on what the internet tells you, you're in for a miserable time and you'll miss out on what I'm told are the joys of raising children.

05-03-17, 18:51
Whoa- thanks I needed to hear that- you are right- one article means nothing. I guess I didn't look at it that way, I just let my anxiety take over

05-03-17, 19:02
Whoa- thanks I needed to hear that- you are right- one article means nothing. I guess I didn't look at it that way, I just let my anxiety take over

Exactly right. You'll find what you "want" to find. I think we all go into googling with the best of intentions. We want to confirm that what we're worried about is NOT what's happening. But, inevitably we end up confirming our worse fears. If you are looking to assure yourself that a symptom or symptoms is not something serious, you will, without fail, encounter the few, rare instances when those symptoms do point to something bad.

05-03-17, 19:05
I have children and grandchildren and those pains sound like growing pains to me. Everyone else is right, don't go searching for information on the internet. It's a computer and will give you exactly what you enter into it. Search for muscle aches do not cause cancer and that's what will come up, same goes for any topic. As for getting help with your worrying and spinning, check the websites of your local hospitals and clinics. All of these facilities have financial assistance they just don't advertise it. (I've worked in the industry for years) Type in the search box on their site financial assistance and I'm sure something will come up. Also, I'm sure your community has a mental health crisis center that can refer you to free or reduces cost to talk to a therapist. Hope this helps!

05-03-17, 19:32
I have kids too & I really don't think there's anything to worry about, although I know its easy to worry & Google doesn't help. Is there any charities or groups that might be able to offer a little support & just let you chat through your thoughts? xx

05-03-17, 19:37
Is there any charities or groups that might be able to offer a little support & just let you chat through your thoughts? xx

Here in the states you can go to mentalhealth.gov and be referred to local groups and help. There's also phone lines you can call to talk to someone.

Positive thoughts

05-03-17, 19:53
In the U.K., there's Mind. There's also Samaritans - and you don't need to be suicidal to call them.

05-03-17, 20:22
Thank you all for the replies- I am going to look up some local groups and see if there is anything that is affordable.

05-03-17, 21:00
Just noticed you're in the US. Not sure why I was babbling on about the UK.

05-03-17, 22:40
It's ok!

05-03-17, 23:30
The leg pain from leukemia comes from the bone, not the calf muscles. It's a severe pain. He would be crying and screaming if it had been his bones. Don't worry! :)

06-03-17, 01:29
Yeah- I think you are right- his legs have not hurt him since this morning and he has been running and jumping all over the place