View Full Version : Hypocondria / Anxiety / Scarred ++

05-03-17, 23:14
Hello to all.
I'm a 30 years old man, french (so i'm sorry for my bad english..), diagnostised with hypochondria / anxiety / panic attack for more than 2 years now.

If i come here today, it's because i am a little discouraged at the moment...

Roughly speaking I had quite a lot of disorders in 2014 which turned out to be of nature "spasmophilia" (well this word exist only in france, but it's same than panic attack syndrom), indeed my GP diagnosed me that more or less in the 1st meeting, but i saw approximately 18 doctors and a heap of examinations to reassure me finally and found power a little of serenity.

I thought got out of trouble, but no...after approximately 18 months of tranquillity here is again when I am worried but at an upper level i think...
Everything began in November and the appearance of a strange symptom: a kind of seasickness / drunk especially in the evening.
Well at the beginning I have to admit that I was surprised but not specially worried by that, according to my memories I was not specially anxious at this very moment. Few weeks ago, everything got worse in fact, this symptom which was there in the evening, is now here at any time of the day, and was added to that of other thing very nice and friendly of which I list you here:

- Sensation of seasickness which differs in intensity according to days, I never fell and I walk straight ahead according to what we told me.
- Sensation of strange vision, I can not explain that, needs to experience it to understand. I specify that I do not see fuzzy or trouble. It's more like focusing troubles.
- Wake up early...3 weeks ago i had no problems
- I urinate much more often and especially new thing, that wakes me at night while before never
- Low appetite (depend days...)
- An aggravated nervousness
- Fast tremors from everywhere during action. For example if I fall I have the lower back trembling, if I do it quickly I do not feel it
- Palpitations very often / Extrasystoles (had heart exams 2 years ago, all was ok)
- Transit problem / loose stools

This state is rather general, not in "attacks".
Here we are, my severe attack of hypochondria in begun at the same time as all this (except the seasickness feeling who begun before this, in november) to tell me (and I am sure you see it coming) "you have a neuro disease my buddy, in 2 months you ll be dead".
I saw 2 GP, 2 made me the tests neuros, and 2 told me "the tests neuros are OK, has no reasons for sending you towards a neurologist everything is bound to your anxiety".
Well it is rather reassuring but my problem is that is not enough for me, my anxiety feeds on doubts, and as long as there are no tests there is doubts.
Of the blow I remain fixed on my doubts (tumor brain, MS, and other pleasures) and the anxiety is present from morning till night with some moment of lucidity from time to time. The fact that the symptoms changed frightens me extremely also needs to admit it.
I am persuaded to die in 2 months, I manage to see no future beyond, I want to make nothing more, to see nobody, it is complicated at the moment.

I have meeting with an orthoptist on Tuesday, an ophthalmologist on Wednesday and a neurologist at the end of May (moreover I think that I shall never go to this seen meeting that I shall have died).

The last 3 nights was "better" but I have just crossed exactly 3 times the same night.

I lie down by 00:15 am, urinating before go to bed, I wake up at 1:30 am with the need to urinate, follows itself a cold sweat, I am cold with burning sensation almost everywhere, after a while that calms down, I can fall asleep again with difficulty but i wake up at 3:30 am, I fall asleep again and wake up at 6:30 am, re-fall asleep again and wale up at 8:30 am.
For 3 nights it is exactly that, when I wake up my thoughts are directly very anxious "if it was a brain tumor? if it was a disease neuro?" I am so convinced, this is obessional...

Sorry for the lenght of this text but i needed to evacuate...I hope people who know what i feel ll give me answer and help me with this...
Thank's to everyone, i wish you a good night, i think mine ll be bad.

Ps : Sorry again for my bad english

05-03-17, 23:26
I understood you just fine (I'm from Texas, but my ancestors came from France, so in a way, I'm french too!) :).

I am sorry you're going through this. Welcome to the forum, and I hope you will find lots of support and understanding and also some useful advice here.

I like your french word for panic attacks, by the way. "Spasmophilia".
Sometimes the panic attacks almost feel like a spasm, don't they?

Again, I am sorry you're going through this, many of us here are experiencing similar symptoms, and I hope you stick around and find some help and support.

Best wishes. :hugs:

06-03-17, 01:09
I understood you just fine (I'm from Texas, but my ancestors came from France, so in a way, I'm french too!) :).

I am sorry you're going through this. Welcome to the forum, and I hope you will find lots of support and understanding and also some useful advice here.

I like your french word for panic attacks, by the way. "Spasmophilia".
Sometimes the panic attacks almost feel like a spasm, don't they?

Again, I am sorry you're going through this, many of us here are experiencing similar symptoms, and I hope you stick around and find some help and support.

Best wishes. :hugs:
Thank's you for your welcome !

1h30 am and wow surprise, i wake up with the need of urinate (i did at 00:30 am..)
30 Min later cant sleep...I feel burn sensation on arms (like cold burn)

Why my body wake up exactly at 1h30, this is so anoyning...I ll try to sleep again but i cant understand what happen with my body, with my mind...Im so scared to die :weep:

06-03-17, 08:59
for the 4 times, same night...burn sensation, someone have ever experienced this ? It's like cold burn feeling, on arms / legs...
thank's !

06-03-17, 15:51
Well i feel alone but i ll continue to speak here...
So i met my GP today, she definitly dosnt want prescribe me a scan of my brain, for her it's only anxiety, she have no doubts...
I want trust her.
She gave me medics (anxiolytic) for break the circle of anxiety but i dont know if i ll take it, these medics are strong and i dont know...Im lost and

08-03-17, 01:32
I need your help please.
today i feel like my right arm is "dead"
I can move it, i can use it, but i feel like it's heavy, cold (color is good) and dead !
I can feel like a cold liquid flow inside, it's very strange...
I was sleeping and the tingling on my arm wake me up.

I didnt feel this during sleep, but all day long.

I didnt lose sensivity.

Can anxiety do this ? I cant call a doctor right now because it's 2h30 am in France but im in panic and really scared.
Thank's !

08-03-17, 02:43
I need your help please.
today i feel like my right arm is "dead"
I can move it, i can use it, but i feel like it's heavy, cold (color is good) and dead !
I can feel like a cold liquid flow inside, it's very strange...
I was sleeping and the tingling on my arm wake me up.

I didnt feel this during sleep, but all day long.

I didnt lose sensivity.

Can anxiety do this ? I cant call a doctor right now because it's 2h30 am in France but im in panic and really scared.
Thank's !

Anxiety can do a lot of weird things.
If the color is good (try pressing on fingernails; do they turn pink again immediately when you let up on the pressure?) then there is probably nothing physically wrong with your arm, at least not circulation-wise; I suppose you could've pinched a nerve or something.
This is likely not an emergency and can probably wait until tomorrow, but in the end you are the best judge of that. If you think it's serious, go to the hospital. If it turns out nothing is wrong with your arm, maybe there is someone there who can speak with you about your anxiety.

Best wishes.

08-03-17, 06:46
Anxiety can do a lot of weird things.
If the color is good (try pressing on fingernails; do they turn pink again immediately when you let up on the pressure?) then there is probably nothing physically wrong with your arm, at least not circulation-wise; I suppose you could've pinched a nerve or something.
This is likely not an emergency and can probably wait until tomorrow, but in the end you are the best judge of that. If you think it's serious, go to the hospital. If it turns out nothing is wrong with your arm, maybe there is someone there who can speak with you about your anxiety.

Best wishes.
I got back in my bed, i slept some hours...
i tried pressing, it come back in 1 or 2 sec maybe i think
that is normal ?

I ll call my gp today...it's so annoyning.
I meet the ophtalmologist in 2 hours im scarred...

---------- Post added at 07:46 ---------- Previous post was at 07:44 ----------

I feel like fresh liquid in my arm, that's so strange !