View Full Version : Fear of muiltple personalities

05-03-17, 23:51
Hey I've had really bad anxiety the last 2 years and have had many obsessions with different things like cancer or schizophrenia, now I'm scared of muiltple personalities because I just don't feel like myself I was told it's depersonalization but my doctor said it's just anxiety, I just don't feel like me and it's scaring me it all started two years ago after a panic attack and I woke up feeling weird like I was on autopilot and now that feeling went away, I just don't feel like my old self now I'm scared of muiltple personality disorder any help :(

06-03-17, 01:04
Multiple personality disorder is a VERY complicated and difficult to diagnose disorder. I know... My Mom was affected by this. Allow me to give an example.

I grew up with a mother with this disorder. To me, Mom was just weird.

One example I can share was a personality that was a male that loved the outdoors. "He" loved camping and fishing (much like myself). My mother told her psychiatrist (who is one of the foremost authorities on multiple personalities) who told me after my mother passed on New Years day. She told him in a session about this person. When he confronted her a week or so later, she denied it 100%. He asked her to look in her refrigerator and there, cleaned and ready to cook were fresh fish that my Mom went out, caught and cleaned :wacko:

There would be un-explainable physical evidence of multiple personalities if this were the case with you.

Positive thoughts

06-03-17, 01:10
Thank you so much I was told it's just anxiety because of hormones and just a lot has changed so maybe it's just anxiety

06-03-17, 07:20
Multiple Personality Disorder, now called Dissociative Identity Disorder, is extremely rare and it's unlikely you are experiencing anything like this.

However, the spaced out not feeling yourself feeling could be a way of 'tuning out' ( mild dissociation - we all do it) a bit as things are too much to handle. I had this a lot when my anxiety was bad. Felt a bit like descriptions of DP/DR.

06-03-17, 15:43
Thank you it's been going on for like 2 and bit years and it goes away when I worried about something but if I'm not worried I notice it and it sucks my doc said the same thing she said all the change that's happen it just needed a break and should go away soon but thank you :)

07-03-17, 05:37
Thank you it's been going on for like 2 and bit years and it goes away when I worried about something but if I'm not worried I notice it and it sucks my doc said the same thing she said all the change that's happen it just needed a break and should go away soon but thank you :)

DP/DR can be experienced as a symptom in anxiety disorders and I think that's what your doctor meant.

It can also be a diagnosis of it's own but it's very uncommon. And there are Dissociative Disorders that can have similiar foundations to them but these again form a diagnosis of their own.

Given you've said it f goes away when a new worry comes, hence your focus changes, it being a background symptom seems likely. I've got background symptoms that disappear when my anxiety ramps up and more intense symptoms appear.

07-03-17, 06:12
Thanks man yah makes sense! I just want it to go away she think this year soon everything calms down it will go away

07-03-17, 06:34
Yeah, I think she's right. It's one of those symptoms that focusing on just means prolonging it so do what you can to keep anxiety levels down and get normality into your life and things you like too so you pull yourself out of it.

Some people on here only have it after bad panic attacks. It's like a way for the mind to distance itself from the pain I think in those cases.

We've got a subboard on the Symptoms board just for DP/DR so it's worth a look. Viking111 talks about his experiences getting over it quite a lot on here & there.

I've seen members talk about how they felt others were robots, aliens or that reality was unreal to them. It's not that car away from what you are thinking about yourself, you've just found a medical label it could mean to add to your fears.

Something as serious as a multiple personality probably wouldn't even be realised by you, more likely a relative. I bet you went through similiar concerns over schizophrenia? So, you will understand how they are noticed by relatives rather than themselves.

07-03-17, 07:08
Yah makes sense and yah I got this after a bad panic attack and ever since then I've felt so weird and disconnected from myself, my doctor and psychiatrist aren't worried they both said it's a phase because of change, so that's good news it's just been 2 and half years and hasn't went away unless I'm worried about something

07-03-17, 07:23
I've got a symptom that has been there since my GAD kicked in from my breakdown. It's the buzzing bees adrenaline issue. It's a background issue for me because I can take my focus away from it whether that is more intense other symptoms or feeling better/enjoyment.

I found quite a few issues just seem to fade away the more you recover. Some symptoms are harder to get rid of but they do at least reduce. I even found more minor symptoms that seems to go when I got really bad for ages, just seemed to reappear as I managed to reduce the really bad symptoms. I think they were there but just not noticed due to the worse ones and this just highlighted a need to tackle these more minor ones.

So, it's frustrating and seems like a long time to have then for two years but it doesn't mean they will stay or stay at a level you can't forget about them through focusing elsewhere.

22-09-19, 09:45
I have it, it is hard and long process to get diagnosed with, and I used to be scared of it, but now have accepted that it's a part of me and was put into place to help shield me from some painful memories I am working on.