View Full Version : panic / anxiety

22-04-07, 16:21
I have tried to post many times - i have no idea what i do but i seem to lose everything i write.
Just in case this is successful!!!!
Hello my name is june i am over sixty and have been having panic / anxiety attacks for at least thirty years.
*"pull yourself together, you are a grown woman."
*"read your bible, you will find peace (they never said which parts to read, some of it is far from peaceful)
* "go home and get stuck in to your house work" (i was sooo tired)
*take these pills, its only stress!!!
well you have heard many other variations on this theme i'm sure.
Now i am more afraid of the medication - I do have good doctors they do listen - i am there at least once a week.
now they are suggesting for me to see a psychotherapist but i do not know how long i will have to wait.
My panic comes without warning and is terrifying.
I am just going to submit this and see if it arrives. Needless to say i do not get to the computer very often but i will eventuaaly reply.

22-04-07, 16:23
June I just want to give you a big welcome to the site and say I am sure once you've played around on here abit you will find much to reassure you.:D

All the best

Piglet :flowers:

22-04-07, 16:25
thank you Piglet.
I am sitting here crying my eyes out - i got somehting right.

22-04-07, 16:28
Aww mate - well done on managing the computer.

I am in my middle forties and 10 years ago didn't even know how to plug one in but went on a course at nightschool with my eldest and from that have come on in leaps and bounds!!

Keep playing about on here until it starts to feel familiar (this may take some time but don't lose heart) and please do ask us anything at all.

We have some great help pages to click on if you look to your left.

Piglet :flowers:

22-04-07, 16:50
Hi and welcome
I found the site last year and am 47 having had panic attacks for 25 years and its horrid isnt it! Mine just stops me travelling on public transport or going to the theatre etc with my lovely husband - its sad because its now affecting our relationship as the kids have both left home for good and we are discovering faults with each other though we love each other so much. He knows I have panic attacks and is fed up even though he has read about them - I dont want to go on meds and I use this site for my bad days and try to get on with my work and ignore panic - not easy - so you just hang on in there - this is a fab site and we are all here for you. Love wenjoy x

23-04-07, 10:47
Thank you Wenjoy. I understand your problem. My husband (and family) criticised my 'drowsiness or hyper activity' when i took medication.
Now they say I am silly for not taking meds. Can't win. Now we have the luxury of 2 TV's so if we want to watch seperate progs we can or I can panic in peace - without criticism. That sounds rather nasty, because he is a great husband - just cannot understand the panic.
Also to keep my hands busy I knit and do tapestry and crosswords etc Sometimes it helps sometimes I want to chuck the whole lot into the air.
thanks for listening
June x

23-04-07, 15:07
Hello June !
Well done for logging on ! I know how awful it is when panic comes out of the blue - sometimes its so quick all the breathing techniques I've learnt fly right out the window ! There are loads of good tips on this website to help you cope - and loads of people who really understand what you are going through. Remember the symptoms of panic are horrible but they are not life threatening.

Have you ever seen the Richard & Judy Show - ages ago they did a piece which helped people with phobias and panic using EFT. (see www.emofree.com (http://www.emofree.com)) When I get a panic I tap my collarbone on the front of my chest and tell myself I'm safe and secure - this works on the same principle as acupuncture without the needles ! It really helps to take the spiralling edge off panic and distracts me long enough to get some regular breathing going. Give it a try. I'm all in favour of any coping mechcanisms that don't involve meds. Also, allow plenty of time to listen to relaxation tapes - you might think you're not taking everything in - but you will if you do it often enough.

You're never alone in panic - we're all here for you.
Be kind to yourself

23-04-07, 15:38
I'm so glad you found this site.I only found it a few days ago and i find it very heartening to read and post replies with people like me.you are not alone and you can talk to people who know exactly what your going through.
A big hello from prism:flowers:

23-04-07, 15:46
Welcome to the site June. You'll get lots of support here.

Brandy snap
23-04-07, 23:46
Welcome June. I've been having panic attacks and anxiety for 30 years as well. This is a brilliant site and just reading everyone's posts makes me feel better and hope it helps you too. Love Brandy Snap xx

28-04-07, 14:51
Thank you all for your support.
Relaxation is out for me - it is when you get to the bit where you feel 'woozy' my body jumps to red alert.
I know I am my own worst enemy - even councellors have been known to say "well if you wont try.........." The point being I do try - but I am so afraid!!

28-04-07, 14:59
Welcome June
This Is A Great Site. It Has Helped Me So Much
Love Debera:)

28-04-07, 15:07

Welcome and glad you finally managed to post ok.

Hope we can be of some help to you on here.

28-04-07, 16:34
:hugs:awww June!

I so know where you are coming from too! it's a horrible thing to have and most of us don't know what to do for the best! I also get panic attacks out of the blue, which petrify me! If you don't want to take meds, then don't do it, it's YOUR body and it's for you to decide what you put in it or don't put in it.
I have found this site very comforting as i'm sure you will too. Sometimes it's just nice to know that your not on your own with this stinking illness and that others understand and going through similar symptoms!

Keep your chin up, talk about it as much as you can, NEVER keep it bottled up, afterall we are all here for eachother.

Good luck m'dear
