View Full Version : Dizzy and off balance

22-04-07, 16:40
I'm new to the site after spending hours searching for reasons as to why Iam constantly dizzy and off balance. I have also just had the 24 hour heart tape, I ended up at the hospital on friday afternoon thinking I was going to die.....Intense palpitations, chest pains, pins and needles down my left arm, tight head and constant migraine, absolutely no balance at all etc....

I've known I have anxiety for the past few weeks, this has become worse over the past week as my GP wouldn't prescribe any medicine until I'd been for the heart tape (Should've been having the heart tape in a couple of weeks but they put in on early when I vistede A & E the other day). I'd had an ECG and a blood test at the docs and she was concerned about the ECG. The docs in A & E were not impressed that I had gone there with what they refer to as 'Pure stress'

I have tried all kinds of herbal remedies over the last few weeks - Kalms, quiet life, Theanine but they never take away the worst symptom which is the dizzy spells. The only time I feel a break from the dizziness at the moment is when I drive, this must be due to concentrating hard on something else?? I did have this in 2005 and spent a year on Citalopram which did help and take the anxiety away but it has reared it's ugly head again!

I'm moing house on Saturday into my first home and need some tips on getting through the day as calm as I can. I've been going to see a spirtual healer who heals with crystals and this does help, unfortunately I can't borrow her for the day!!

Any advice?!!:shrug:

22-04-07, 16:47
Hi - Im into crystals too - I wear crystals to help when I am suffering - Blue lace agate is calming as is Lepidolite and smokey brown quartz. I also use Kalms and natracalm sometimes (not togther) I know wha tyou mean about the dizzy thing- my main symptom of panic is breathing or hyperventilation and dizzyness and feeling I ve got to get out of places and run - agorophobia I think - anyhow - the house move is probably whats triggering your worries off - try to close to your eyes and visualise yourself and your partner holding hands witnessing a lovely scene - maybe a sunrise,sunset, or a river or mountains - anything that helps you think sweet thoughts when you feel dizzy and also keep busy so you arent focussing on the dizzyness. Hope this helps - a bit rambling of me but thats what im like!!! Wenjoy x

22-04-07, 16:50
Thanks Wenjoy!!

I'm quite good at the positive thinking and have lots of happy thoughts of things my partner and I have done together so I'm sure I'll manage. I just hate the dizzy spells and wish they would vanish - if I could overcome this then my anxiety would vanish with it. I'm wearing a crystal now - Lapis Lazuli.....it's mean't to give you balance and ward off depression. I'm new to crystals but find them really peaceful so I've ordered the Crystal bible off the net and hope this will shed some light on what each one is for.
Do you find Kalms helpful?

23-04-07, 09:31
Just want to say you are not alone. I have two worst symptoms and they are the constant dizziness and terrible ectopic heartbeats and palpitations. I have had no end of checks (ecgs and mri scan) but still feel so ill. I am sorry you feel rotten.
I am going to try a hypnotherapist tomorrow so if I have success with it I will let others know!

23-04-07, 11:45
Hi beadbabe,

I've been ok since I started looking at this website yesterday. My breathing now seems to manage the dizziness better and I haven't got a migraine anymore just a mild headache. Positive thinking will get you back on track and will help you sleep better. Good luck with the hypnotherapy though - anything is worth a try in my view!!

All the best. x x :flowers:

Mrs Rabbit
29-04-07, 21:34
HI there

I agree - reading through the forums on this subject helps me to calm down. I hate these ectopis and am scared of passing out during one.In fact I am going through a phase of being scared to go to bed in case I start to feel them and I faint in bed and am unconscious and get heart failure. Sad state of affairs when youre scared to go to bed!

29-04-07, 23:06
Any advice?!!

This is going to sound crazy.....

Wiggle your toes

Not only does the idea make you laugh and take your mind off of things but it improves bloodflow to the brain. :yesyes:

Moving home is the top most stressfull thing to do even above divorce, unless you were married to my first wife :D :D :D