View Full Version : Since getting out of bed, had dizzy spell, fell over and have been dizzy since

06-03-17, 09:23

I have an ongoing dizzy problem.

Everyone I have seen says my dizziness is due to anxiety.

Ive been brainstorming and may have found a problem.

A year ago in January I woke up, jumped out of bed, had the most awful dizzy spell and fell over. I was spinning as if Id been on a roundabout.

I just thought Id had too much to drink the night before and thought nothing more of it.

Since then, Ive had major balancing problems. I dont feel dizzy any longer, just like Im walking on a boat all the time.

Another thing - I wash my hair in the shower bending over. When Im upright again, I am really swaying and feel dizzy.

Another thing - when I watch my kids do their artistic roller skating and they all whizz around in their formations, this makes me feel dizzy again.

One more thing - my son noticed the moon looking strange a couple of week ago so I looked up and felt really off balance again.

What on earth is going on ?


06-03-17, 10:20
I too get dizzy. At a low level it's there all the time but it sometimes flares up to the point I just have to stop whatever I'm doing.

I get anxious about all sorts of things (which I think causes the dizziness in the first place) but I don't worry about the dizziness itself - it's just immensely frustrating. A while back my GP described it this way:
When we are anxious our nervous system is on high alert and can become over-active in firing signals to the brain. I bet this can cause odd symptoms all over the place but if it is happening in your inner ear then this will tend to cause dizziness because that is the part of the body that gives you your sense of balance.
Like I said I don't add this dizziness to my list of things to worry about partly because I was reassured by an MRI scan I had to check out my tinnitus, which showed nothing nasty.
Now I've had dizziness almost has long as had anxiety so I'm not qualified to say that your sudden onset of dizziness isn't something else but that is what my money is on. Certainly see your GP - they could help rule out any other possibilities.
I'm new here so I haven't yet checked all the NMP articles or the Symptoms sub-forum but when I have time I will.