View Full Version : hi folks

22-04-07, 18:31
Hi, Im ken, from the UK.

Used to work as a computer programmer for a multi-national company, until the years of bullying/harrasment took its toll, was turning up to work taking prozac, and they still fired me for breaking down and having the nerve to try to get the bullying stopped! Its a long story, and disgraceful how a large company can behave, not to mention the legal system......

Been on prozac and high blood pressure tabs for years now, and been on incapacity benefit during that time. But just got the results of a medical they are stopping it now - the score sheet from the doctor is wrong - he either didnt listen, didnt understand, was in a hurry AND made assumptions.


22-04-07, 19:14
Hi Ken

And welcome to NMP, lovely to see you here:)

Sounds like you have been having a terrible time hun:ohmy: your amongst friends here i hope we can be of help and support for you.


Pink Princess
22-04-07, 20:41
hi welcome to the site, hope you settle ni and make good friends xxx take kare xx

22-04-07, 20:56
Hi Ken,

A big warm welcome to you. xx

22-04-07, 21:05
Hi Ken

Sorry to hear you are having such a bad time with work.

Welcome aboard and lovely to see you here and hope we can be of some help.

22-04-07, 21:10
Hello ken, good to have you on board. :welcome:

22-04-07, 21:40
Hi there Ken! Big :welcome:to you!

What a horrible time you've had - with both work and your doc. Absolutely awful!

Makes my blood boil when I see huge companies trampling over the very people they should be looking out for :mad:!!

I work in IT (I'm a lowly technician in a Primary school!!) and I was gonna ask you if I could 'pick your brains' anytime, but I think that would not be a wise move at this time:foot: !!

Anyway, good to see you here - you'll get plenty of support and help!

22-04-07, 22:04
Hi Ken,

Welcome to the forum, you will get a lot of good advice here and make some new friends

Take care

Trac xx

23-04-07, 01:50
Hi Ken,

Welcome to NMP. I am sorry you have had a difficult time with your work and a doctor that hasn't been working with you. I know you will love this site and it will help.

Laura :)

23-04-07, 02:27
Hi Ken.

Good to see you here. Sorry you've had a rough time. Hopefully the lovely folks on this site will help you on to recovery so that you no longer have to allow those authorities to influence your future.

Eeb x

23-04-07, 12:21
Welome to the King of all anxiety websites Ken. I'm very sorry to hear you've been bullied, it really is a disgrace for a company to behave like that as you've done nothing wrong.

Being here though, you'll be comforted by all of the nice people and information there is to help you get through your problems. Have fun!!

23-04-07, 18:51
Wow, lots of replies, thanks everyone, nice to be here :)

Groovy Granny, feel free to pm about computer stuff, to pick my brain, will help if possible, have good days, as well as the bad uns..

Im going to have to get a appeal started against the decision by the jobcenter, would hae done it today but I didnt get woken till near their closing time (and to think, the doctor at the capability assesment, despite me stressing clearly I suffer from major sleeping problems, went and ticked the box saying no sleeping problems!!!!)

As far as the company responsible for starting the depression a few years ago, its ironic that they even sell software and services relating to employee welfare, bullying, unfair dismissal etc as well as their standard stuff, accountancy software.....