View Full Version : Hospital - anxious

06-03-17, 11:28
I am due to have a septoplasty (nose op) on Wednesday.
For the last few days, my chest has felt really tight and I keeping getting scared that I can't catch my breath.
I suffer from anxiety and asthma as it is, but when I went for my pre-op on Friday, the nurse did a peak flow and said my asthma is fine.
No wheezing, etc.
Could it just be the anxiety which is causing my chest to feel tight?

06-03-17, 11:42
Yeah, anxiety will do that and you are going to have heightened anxiety due to the op; it's only natural.

06-03-17, 11:47
But my brother-in-law, who is an ear, nose and throat surgeon, said if I'm overly-anxious, they may not do the op?

06-03-17, 11:59
OK. He'll know better than I.