View Full Version : Chocolate

06-03-17, 11:59
I know it's stupid, but ive always worried about eating/drinking things incase someone has poisoned it....
I struggle with it alot and have done since I was little... I have recently got a little better, even though it's only with certain things (don't ask)

Any way this morning I needed something sweet so I went into the storage cupboard and saw that I have a few bags full of easter eggs which I brought for the kids for Easter and opened one and actually manage to eat some without anyone having to try it before I ate some..... but after a few bites I went to take another bite and i had a sour taste on the end of my tongue and it sort of tingled.... so now I'm worried"cadbury" has poisnoned some of the Easter eggs and I've got one of the poisnoned ones, why else would I get that taste and sensation on my tongue and I'm freaking out!!!!
Serves me right for eating it before someone else

06-03-17, 12:14
Hi bingjam
You'll be fine, I sometimes get a lemony taste after the rare sweet treat. In fact some years ago I couldnt eat fruit cake for some reason my taste buds decided it was going to taste really sour, our bodies dont 'alf play some tricks on us, which has the unfortunate knock on affect on our HA.

06-03-17, 12:18
Hi Its not stupid but very real to you so don't think that :) What I can say it's highly unlikely Cadbury has actually poisoned the product, Other than trying another egg I don't know what to suggest. Hope you find some comfort knowing that their products are quite safe to eat :) Cheers

06-03-17, 12:49
It's a truly fantastic scenario for sure! The human mind is capable of life changing thoughts and ideas. Unfortunately, this can be a detriment to some.

Let's entertain this fantasy for a moment though....

Cadbury has manufacturing plants in the UK, the US, Ireland and India. It's imported to countries all over the world. Come Easter time, between all the factories, literally BILLIONS of eggs are produced. More than a half a billion in the UK alone. Mind you, the process is automated so very little human contact is made. I've seen the plant in Hershey, PA in the states. The workers look like surgeons for goodness sakes and they run machines.

Let's fantasize that some insane rouge employee decided to act out his anger against the establishment and poison a few eggs. Frankly, I don't know how this could even happen but let's just entertain this for a moment. Of the more than half a BILLION eggs made in the UK, what would be the chances of one of those eggs to make it all the way to your house in the bag you purchased?

See where I'm going with this? I think sixpack wrote about a scenario where someone saw a bat and was worried it spit in the air, the wind blew the spit several hundred feet only to land in the mouth of the person thus giving them rabies. It's just an impossibility ;) Same thing here.

Enjoy your Easter and enjoy those eggs... they really are delish! :)

Positive thoughts

06-03-17, 13:02
Yes actually you would have more chance of winning the lottery jackpot, been playing for years and stlll haven't won the big one the odds are stacked against you for sure :) Cheers

06-03-17, 13:13
I don't know how to get out of this year of "contamination"
It's not just good and drinks it's in toiletries too etc. .. the toiletries I have to better with and can actually now use them without the panic ���� but the food and drink still a huge struggle foe me..... and the one time I actually eat something without someone else trying first and this happens.... darnit!

Thank you all for the replies though, and fishman I have no idea why but you always make me see reason ������ or actually how silly I am haha

06-03-17, 13:27
The fear processing centres in your brain are absolutely haywire at the moment. fishmanpa has done a brilliant job of explaining the odds of you being harmed by contamination. You need to begin recognising that you're trapped by a thought process triggered by a particular mental state. It has no bearing whatsoever on objective reality. In fact, the objective reality is that you live in one of the safest places on the world, at the safest time ever in history, when it comes to eating and drinking. The overwhelming majority of us go through our entirely lives never knowing what it's like to be poisoned, especially by a deliberate act.

As always, this comes down to changes that have to begin from within. You'll need to get some help and begin working on the power your irrational thoughts have over you. Yes, it can be done.