View Full Version : HIV Health anxiety

06-03-17, 12:08
Hi, this is the first time I've posted something about my anxiety on anything over the Internet. I am a 22 year old woman who has been suffering with HIV related health anxiety. It all started 5 years ago when I was in a school bathroom. At the time I had a small cut on my thumb and I remember seeing blood (that wasn't my own) by the toilet paper holder. When I got out of the toilet I noticed that the blood had somehow gotten onto my hand and on top of where my cut was. It all started from there. I began suffering from sore throats and swollen glands that panicked me so much I must have visited the doctors countless of times to which I was told it was probably viral etc. Anyway a few years later the anxiety got too much and I ended up breaking down to my paretnts over my fears, baring in mind the first time I ever slept with anyone was just over a year ago and have only been with that person since. I was told by my therapist, my GP and my Aunt (also a GP) that I was not at any risk in regards to the blood on cut and that contracting HIV that way was just not possible. I am now on citalopram for my anxiety and although it has helped, I still find myself googling every symptom I sometimes have an then crying when I read it could be HIV. I'm at a loss and just need to hear from people who have gone through this or who are currently going through it.

06-03-17, 12:31
Kathryn have you ever........thought of visiting a GU clinic? I believe you could discuss your fears and maybe get a test done then you would have definitive conformation you are negative for HIV

Just a thought dux.

06-03-17, 12:55
Kathryn have you ever........thought of visiting a GU clinic? I believe you could discuss your fears and maybe get a test done then you would have definitive conformation you are negative for HIV

Just a thought dux.

Yes I have, but everytime I've gone to do so, the panic has been too much and I've backed out...