View Full Version : Anxiety Advice

06-03-17, 12:41
I have just joined this forum and was looking for some advice. Last year I successfully weaned myself off of Citalopram, with my last tablets being 6 months ago on 9th September. I have felt fine until maybe the last month and now feel that my symptoms are coming back - anxiety, irritability, catastrophising, over-worrying especially about the future among other things.
I have started CBT but my feelings are causing so many arguments between me and my husband, and general feelings of feeling lower than normal and finding the negative in everything. I am wondering if it is worth going back on to 10mg. I used to have 20mg, but I don't really want to go back on it at all, so I'm wondering if I should have a compromise for a while.
I came off them because after 4 years I felt ready and in a couple of years we are looking to start a family, but at this rate we won't be together long enough! I feel like I am looking to take them to fix us, but really do I just need to fix myself? Any advice would be really appreciated.
Thank you