View Full Version : Going out of my mind!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

06-03-17, 15:25
Afternoon all,

Where do l start? for the last couple of weeks l have gone from being a normal person to an absolute worried and real anxious person. A few weeks ago l was feeling pain in my ankles and joints and noticed l was feeling weak, l then STUPIDLY went on google and hey presto it said l was suffering from MND/ALS!!

As you can imagine life has never been the same since, l read all there is about this awful illness and suddenly l was convinced l am suffering from it. l saw my GP who said not to go on the internet and that he will check my blood for thyroid function, this came back clear however l was still not convinced and he said at that point, in his 30 years as a GP he has only come across the MND illness twice, he prescribed me Propranolol and said just calm down and move on.

Over the next few days l was still experencing numbness, pain and feeling weak, l at this point stupidly went again on the internet and learnt about Bulbar onset and its symptoms and guess what? yes l was suddenly now looking at my tongue, having swallowing issues, and the one that is really freaking me out l am convinced l am slurring my speech!! ( not that anyone has said anything, and l ask all the time!!)

lt was at this point that l could not sit around anymore, and last friday l went to see a Private Neurologist, who seeing me burst out into laughter and said YOU DO NOT HAVE THIS ILLNESS!! he then performed his exams and was satisfied, l mentioned further tests but he said no. He said l should get help for my anxiety as this is now taking over.

l have now had the benefit of 5 Medical opinions who all say it is my mind palying games, however l am still for some reason not convinced about my speech, l speak two languages and l am finding that since learning about Bulbar l just happen to be now speaking jubbled not fluent, is this a conincidence?

Now when ever l speak l am forever trying to analyse if l am going wrong, please can someone tell me if my anxiety is really taking me over:weep:

Sorry for the long post


06-03-17, 16:19
That's classic anxiety. I remember when my anxiety was at it's highest it felt like words were tumbling from my mouth before I could string them together, I felt like I was slurring and jumbling everything up.

06-03-17, 16:53
Thanks for your reply, seriously l am worried that much that it has effected my day to day living, l mean my wife is due to give birth in the next few weeks and all l can feel is this illness that l have read up is taking over me, l mean ifv l didnt read up about Bulbar onset l would not have known. Even after visting a very experienced Neurologist who told me l do not have the illness why am l still not convinced? my mind is super switched on my speech and its really starting to get on my nerves!!!!!!!!!!!

06-03-17, 16:57
The added anxiety of imminent childbirth is also stoking the fire! You are not convinced that the expert is right because the anxiety is fueling your inability to reason. How much Propranolol are you on and are you on the books to see a therapist?

06-03-17, 17:08
lm on 40mg 3 times a day, but cant say its really helped. l have a therapy session booked for tommorow so lets see what happens, normaly lm not afftected by these situations, however its the actual awful Bulbar illness and its symptoms that is making me convinced, l now am afraid to talk because l feel that l will slur ( incidently its my 2nd language that all of l sudden l have noticed, maybe because its not my first language) but no one around me has said anything.

Can anxiety do all this???????????????????:wacko:

06-03-17, 17:43
Can anxiety do all this???????????????????:wacko:

it can and it will if you let it! Great work for going to your therapist ASAP.

you have a lot going on right now and that stress can cause very uncomfortable anxiety. you're still the same normal person you referenced at the start of your post. Don't ever forget that!

good luck when the new member of the family arrives and enjoy every moment.


06-03-17, 17:48
Cheers guys, at least l know that im not alone out there, l just cant believe that in 2 weeks l have read something on the internet and my mind is convinced l have this illness, l used to laugh at my friends who said they were anxious, not any more, wish me luck with my therapist tommorow:yesyes:

06-03-17, 18:17
Its amazing isn't it, your threat brain just clicks in one day and goes into overdrive, thinking to itself what a great job it is doing, keeping you aware of all the potential threats....

...need to try and find way to engage your logical side, your therapist will really help with this. It will come right.x

06-03-17, 19:40
Thanks again, I just can't believe how anxiety can play around to the mind where you are convinced you are talking slurred and jumbled, I guess my mind is very finely tuned to what is coming out of my mouth hence the nervousness.