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View Full Version : Light at the end of the tunnel?

06-03-17, 17:26
Over the last 2 weeks I've worried myself stupid over chest pains and heart problems.

2 weeks ago I had rotten chest pain which I think was indigestion ( I'd had a huge roast beef dinner the night before with Yorkshire pudding, roast potatoes and cherry pie for afters) I put up with it on and off most of the day then called 111 when I got home for some advice as I was still quite sore. I drank a glass
Of milk and took some paracetamol and felt fine by the time the nurse called me back. She wanted me to go to hospital for an ecg as my heart rate was 100bpm and she said it was too high ( I tried to explain what I was panicking as she was suggesting hospital and an ambulance even though I felt fine) I stayed at home as I felt fine and didn't want to waste anyone's time.

Roll on 2 weeks and I've been having a bit of chest pain (especially before I eat) which although I've put it down to anxiety over having indigestion again it's still worried me it could be something serious.

Today is the first day I've felt much better and more importantly stronger mentally I've had very little chest pain only once or twice when my mind has wondered but I actually feel happy and positive which I've not for the past fortnight.

Here's my problem I don't want to let my guard down and let those thoughts pull
Me back down, but I don't want to feel like I have the last 2 weeks I've never had chest pains due to my anxiety (I've had to many other symptoms to count) had anyone else had similar and they've just faded out over time?

I've got a Drs appointment Thursday and I'm going to ask about cbt