View Full Version : Scared I have leukemia.

06-03-17, 18:35
I'm a 22 year old otherwise healthy male. I went to the doctor because I had pain in my testicles and the doctor suspected an STD since I had a sexual partner the weekend before. She gave me an injection of an antibiotic and put me on 10 days of doxycline. Both STD tests came back negative. However the infection responded to antibiotics and it's cleared up. However yesterday I saw on my arms and legs I started getting these red spots. It looked as if the small capillaries under the skin broke causing a small bleed. I'm not sure if I'm reacting to the medication or if it's something more serious like leukemia. I looked up causes of this and one of them was leukemia. I scheduled an appointment back at the doctor but I am scared to death of this.

06-03-17, 20:18
Hi, really don't think its leukemia, you would be very ill I think . More likely as you say a reaction to the antibiotics or even the virus/ infection leaving your body( sounds odd but my son had the strangest rash after illness, panicked & ran to gp who said it was nothing just that!)
Good to mention it to gp incase it is a reaction but try not to worry x

06-03-17, 21:21
Agree with the above poster, BUT what I don't understand is why the doctor gave you antibiotics before waiting on your test results! They were negative so you didn't need them. Unnecessary antibiotics are nothing to play around with! I hate when doctors do this.