View Full Version : Ventricular Tachycardia

06-03-17, 19:55
So I'm still having relentless ectopics and have been feeling dizzy and light headed - in particular after food. I've read up on VT and I'm convinced I've got it. I don't know what to do as the episodes are never caught on ecg.

07-03-17, 13:46
Hi charlie hope you're feeling better, i'm also anxious about my heart.
Have you asked your GP about further testing such as 24 hr monitor? Hope you're feeling better and I know how you feel :)

07-03-17, 15:34
I've had numerous ECGs and last week I had an echo - all looks good. I'm waiting on a 24 hour monitor. I'm 31 weeks pregnant and convinced I have an arrhythmia which will mean me dying before this pregnancy is complete. What symptoms do you get?

07-03-17, 16:33
I don't have heart palpitations. I used to in 2012 when i first had anxiety, quite badly wirh panic attacks. Nowadays it has recently come back as a more of a low feeling than panicky. However still anxious about my heart - a dull ache feeling usually and often twinges in my heart area. Constantly checking my pulse!