View Full Version : Dull chest and back pain

06-03-17, 22:57
I suffer with on and off leg pain and chest/back pain. Right now my chest has dull pain and discomfort and my upper back hurts a bit too. I have air hunger, no breath feels satisfying, no matter how deep. I've been tired and lightheaded all day. I know anxiety amplifies all these symptoms, but I have been terrified of pulmonary embolism/blood clots for months now. I have had many heart tests so I am not worried about cardio.

I'm trying to relax and convince myself it's reflux or muscular aches but it truly does not feel like either. Why does my chest hurt like this? :(

06-03-17, 23:36
It sounds like you could have indigestion. I've been freaked out many times with these symptoms but usually relieved with some indigestion remedies. Awful sensations to have x

07-03-17, 10:39
Can't sleep now. I've had this persistent chest cough for a couple weeks now. I wanna cry because I truly feel there is something very wrong with me. Plus my chest still hurts, it's a dull widespread pain.

07-03-17, 15:40
I could have written this post, except for the cough. I've been experiencing the SAME EXACT symptoms for weeks now. General tightness in my chest/upper back and random leg pains. You're definitely not alone. I've got check-ups with my GP and cardiologist next month, trying to decide if I should stick it out or go in sooner :(

08-03-17, 07:18
The cough is relentless!!! I CANNOT sleep, my chest hurts and every cough makes it hurt.