View Full Version : Tips to calm?

07-03-17, 09:53

I recently posted about my HA and have taken steps to deal with it...meds and awaiting CBT/therapist. In the meantime, while I am waiting to start therapy or meds to kick in (1-2 weeks) does anyone have tips of how they are dealing with HA?

My issues are that I have no interest in eating when I am anxious and so I have cut down on food (thus losing weight and leading to further stress!). I also keep waking through the night in a panic, I feel I can't breathe and my head explodes with all my HA thoughts. I try to calm it by distraction and watching Tv/reading news sites etc but it takes at least 1'hour to calm down and go back to sleep.

I'm thinking that keeping my mind busy in the day might push the thoughts out and then make it less likely to pop up in my sleep, but as I am off work at the moment, it is too easy to let mind wander and for HA to sneak in.

Any tips gratefully received!!!

bin tenn
07-03-17, 12:31
Try some meditation at bed time. That worked for me - very well. I personally listened to Jason Stephenson on YouTube - he has many "guided meditation" videos. There are many other people on there as well. I used to suffer intrusive thoughts while trying to fall asleep, which would cause an adrenaline rush, and then it'd keep me awake for an hour or so. Now I have no issues. As soon as I get in bed, I let myself relax, and I do some deep breathing exercises to further relax and clear my mind. I'd recommend the guided meditation!

Glad you're pursuing help. I hope the meds and therapy do the trick for you. Good luck!