View Full Version : Feeling so down

07-03-17, 10:00
Been on cit since last November. I started on 10mg and slowly increased the dose to 30mg which I've been taking for the last month, the trouble is I don't know how I'm supposed to be feeling. Sorry if I'm not making sense. I feel like a zombie, I'm tired all the time and don't want to do anything even getting dressed is an effort.

I thought by now I would be feeling normal! what ever normal is. Do you think I need to increase the dose upto 40mg or try a something different.

Guess I'm inpatient. I so want to feel happy again, will it ever happen.
Any help much appreciated.


07-03-17, 11:15
Been on cit since last November. I started on 10mg and slowly increased the dose to 30mg which I've been taking for the last month,

As I understand it you began taking 20mg in late November and 30mg in early February. Is that correct?

Sorry if I'm not making sense. I feel like a zombie, I'm tired all the time and don't want to do anything even getting dressed is an effort.

Well you should be feeling better than this.

I thought by now I would be feeling normal! what ever normal is. Do you think I need to increase the dose upto 40mg or try a something different.

I think if citalopram were going to work you would be seeing better results by now even if there were still room for improvement, but you seem to be about where you were back in December. I think it's time to see your doctor about changing to something else.

As citalopram is the second SSRI you've tried without success, either a SNRI or TCA might be a better choice than another SSRI. Imho, the TCAs are generally better meds than the SNRIs, but your GP will probably prefer a SNRI because they are the newer meds.

Duloxetine (Cymbalta) would be the pick of the common SNRIs (avoid venlafaxine (Effexor) and its metabolite desvenlafaxine (Pristiq) as they are really only SSRIs).

For the TCAs, amitriptyline (Elavil) is likely to be okay, as might desipramine (Norpramin). Desipramine inhibits noradrenaline, aka norepinephrine reuptake more than it does serotonin reuptake which might be an advantage given your issues with SSRIs, and it generally produces fewer side-effects than most of the other TCAs.

07-03-17, 12:20
Yes correct last november I first started cit and February my dose went up to 30mg.

Thank you !! I have a doctor's appointment on the 17 of this month I will have a good talk with him.

I appreciate your help.