View Full Version : Osteopath.

07-03-17, 11:04
I saw an osteopath yesterday due to my 5 month back/shoulder/arm ache. He said my left ribs (can't remember which one) hardly had any movement and massaged that area and tried to crack my back but it didn't move much. He said he usually sees people with this type of pain with respiratory problems i.e asthma or had been coughing alot :ohmy:, my anxiety heightened again because i am already worried it's my lung. I sweated all night and i feel shattered again today.

Gary A
07-03-17, 11:31
He clearly meant that people with that type of pain usually have it because of straining to cough, which of course asthma and respiratory problems would cause.

You don't have a cough, so that's obviously not what's caused your pain.

07-03-17, 13:01
No cough but i am chesty :unsure:.

Gary A
07-03-17, 14:05
Your doctor has ruled that your chest is clear.

Do you not think your osteopath would have told you if they felt it wasn't a muscular problem?

07-03-17, 16:13
It's like toothache in my shoulder and back all day long, i feel worn out with it.

07-03-17, 16:16
He clearly meant that people with that type of pain usually have it because of straining to cough, which of course asthma and respiratory problems would cause.

You don't have a cough, so that's obviously not what's caused your pain.

And the unusual breathing patterns of many asthma sufferers. Trust me, it puts a strain on your muscles too if it's not kept in check. Many of us (i've had asthma 30 is years) are mouth breathers.

Now think about how many of us with anxiety also breath incorrectly due to muscular tension, manual breathing focus, etc. Isn't it logical anyone on this forum could display similarities for that reason?

I've spent plenty of time separating my asthma from my anxiety.

07-03-17, 17:57
The osteopath would have referred you back to your GP if he suspected respiratory disease.

07-03-17, 18:30
I hope so :shrug:

07-03-17, 20:41
Did the osteopath give you any exercises to do to try to loosen up your muscles?

07-03-17, 20:51
No i am seeing him again on friday.

08-03-17, 08:38
It sounds as though the area is very stiff and needs some gentle manipulation to free things up a bit. You'll need a few sessions to feel any benefit but well done you for going and please don't despair if you don't get instant results?

08-03-17, 20:06
It doesn't seem to have done anything so far but i go again on friday.