View Full Version : feeling so ill

22-04-07, 19:58
hi there like most people on the site i suffer severe anxiety ,panic attacks and agraphobia sometimes its worse than normal.lately over the last few weeks i have been getting these episodes wher say i havent eaten for a couple of hours although not missing meals just maybe not eaten a lot,then i start to feel really ill like a empty feeling in my head and stomach and very nausaous and feeling like im swaying and even when i do eat fully the horrid ill feeling dosent leave it basically stays all day no matter how much i eat .it doesnt leave until the next day.the feeling was so bad i phoned the nhs 24 tonight they said eat small meals every 2 -3 hours.my doc says he thinks its tension thats making it worse he says maybe im not eating enough for all the energy i use worrying all the time he said its common in people with anxiety they can get drops in blood sugar very quick .but i find it hard to beleive tension can cause you to feel this ill.its very frightening feeling ,i still have it and feel quite ill even though i have eaten.its like once it comes it wont go until the next day.i hope this makes sense as i would really love some advice or to hear from any1 who has similiar symptoms. many thanks in advandce take care molly xx

22-04-07, 21:10
Hello Molly,
If this helps I suffer very offten with this, I would love to give you some advice but I dont really know what to do myself, I have tried eating small and often this sometimes works for me but I do belive that its a state of mind ie when I have these feelings and eat I think in the back of my mid that thses feelings wont go away and then back in to this anxiety circle.

Sorry I cant be any more of a help, but I hope you feel better knowing you are not alone.

Take Care Honey

22-04-07, 21:35
hi thank you for taking the time to answer ,its nice to no im not alone take care molly xx