View Full Version : Oh god help me

07-03-17, 17:59
Ive become that anious now over the years, that every muscle in my boby is constantly at a natural tense stage, an my hrt rate feels pounding , not fast caus im on propanalol, but heavy.... I dont think anyone can beat me for anxiety on this site or anywhere prove me wrong please

08-03-17, 01:29
It's not a contest.
Different people have different symptoms, different severity of symptoms, etc.
But you are not alone, that's for sure.
And I hope you stick around and find some support and advice here, from people who understand.

Hugs. :hugs:

08-03-17, 11:15
I know that feeling. Im permanently wired for weeks/months at a time and everything hurts. hang in there the good days will come x