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View Full Version : Very palpable lymph nodes and I've convinced myself something is wrong

07-03-17, 18:27
I'm sorry that i keep posting about the same issue but I'm oping to hear from some new people and get their opinions.

From my past threads you should know that i have located 4 lymph nodes, 2 on the left lower part of my neck that sit side by side, and 2 on the right lower part of my neck that also sit side by side almost symmetrical to the left nodes.

The left nodes are very palpable, i don't even have to push in much to feel them, they are not large id say around 1 cm which the ultrasound showed it to be 1.1 cm, they are moveable, not rock hard but not soft as tissue, painless and they are not protruding from my neck at all. I have no other symptoms like night sweats, fever, weight loss, etc.

I do however have some abdominal discomfort at times but i have acid reflux which upsets my stomach at times which ive dealt with for years.

I had a cbc and ultrasound and both were clear there was fatty helium present which i hear is a good thing and thw doctor that examined me said that she also has nodes that she can feel and that they are normal, but mine are very palpable i can almost feel the entire shape of the node with one finger.

This is a huge concern for me i suffer from ha, and I've literally convinced myself i may have cancer and it's driving me nuts.

The doctor declined a biopsy when i mentioned it she said they are too small and that no specialist would likely even bother with a biopsy but im to the point now where i need a biopsy so i can put this nightmare behind me.

I understand lymph nodes are palpable especially in slim people such as myself, but from what i read people really have to dig for the nodes before they find them, but my nodes however would be very hard to miss because like i said i can gently press on my neck and feel a lump where the node is.

I noticed these nodes around 6 months ago i don't know if they were palpable before this because i never felt my neck looking for nodes but they havent changed at least not that i can notice still the same size.

I can't seem to stop poking them so i don't know if they would have gone down by now or not because of so much poking every day.

Words can't describe how much worry these pesky things have caused me and i don't know what else to do because the doctor isn't concerned so i can't push for a biopsy.

Any advice is appreciated.

07-03-17, 18:35
I don't know what more advice anyone can give you on this matter that hasn't been said on your many other threads on lymph nodes. Please get help treating your anxiety.

07-03-17, 19:08
I'm sorry that you're going through a rough time at the moment. It doesn't seem like any of us can reassure you, even your own doctor can't so I don't expect you to believe us either. You need to get out of this vicious cycle. Hypochondria takes you to this incredibly dark space and it's lonely and filled with fear. You need to enjoy life and find pleasure in life. Because that is what you are: you are alive. You dont have a disease. You need to find trust in something. Either your doc or God (if you believe in God).

Also, I was you last year. I was obsessed with these two hard lymph nodes in my neck. I constantly scoured Google for symptoms and reassurance. I repeatedly felt the lumps to check their size. I didn't feel like talking to my husband or going out because I thought I was dying. All of this while I had a precious baby who wanted my attention. I realized this and stopped touching them. I randomly decided to check up on them this year and guess what? I could barely feel them. I swear to you they were hard nodes for a year. After months of not touching them they went back to a normal size. I felt relieved but I also felt like a failure. I had wasted a year of my life on these lymph nodes that were normal. I had made it an extremely bitter year. Others were in a much worse state than me but I had made myself the victim when I had no right to do that. I had taken precious time away from my child, husband and family. All that times I spent sulking could have been given to them. Anyway, I kind of started ranting but I hope this helps you in some way. You are a healthy human, please take that as a blessing and don't just throw it away.

07-03-17, 19:55
I'm sorry that i keep posting about the same issue but I'm oping to hear from some new people and get their opinions.

From my past threads you should know that i have located 4 lymph nodes, 2 on the left lower part of my neck that sit side by side, and 2 on the right lower part of my neck that also sit side by side almost symmetrical to the left nodes.

The left nodes are very palpable, i don't even have to push in much to feel them, they are not large id say around 1 cm which the ultrasound showed it to be 1.1 cm, they are moveable, not rock hard but not soft as tissue, painless and they are not protruding from my neck at all. I have no other symptoms like night sweats, fever, weight loss, etc.

I do however have some abdominal discomfort at times but i have acid reflux which upsets my stomach at times which ive dealt with for years.

I had a cbc and ultrasound and both were clear there was fatty helium present which i hear is a good thing and thw doctor that examined me said that she also has nodes that she can feel and that they are normal, but mine are very palpable i can almost feel the entire shape of the node with one finger.

This is a huge concern for me i suffer from ha, and I've literally convinced myself i may have cancer and it's driving me nuts.

The doctor declined a biopsy when i mentioned it she said they are too small and that no specialist would likely even bother with a biopsy but im to the point now where i need a biopsy so i can put this nightmare behind me.

I understand lymph nodes are palpable especially in slim people such as myself, but from what i read people really have to dig for the nodes before they find them, but my nodes however would be very hard to miss because like i said i can gently press on my neck and feel a lump where the node is.

I noticed these nodes around 6 months ago i don't know if they were palpable before this because i never felt my neck looking for nodes but they havent changed at least not that i can notice still the same size.

I can't seem to stop poking them so i don't know if they would have gone down by now or not because of so much poking every day.

Words can't describe how much worry these pesky things have caused me and i don't know what else to do because the doctor isn't concerned so i can't push for a biopsy.

Any advice is appreciated.

Sounds like normal-sized lymph nodes to me.
We all have lymph nodes in those locations.
In some people, they are palpable.
This depends upon your specific anatomy.
1.1 cm is not "enlarged", and I doubt you're the best judge of the size of them, anyway. Nearly all of us with lymph node anxiety have overestimated the size of our nodes, which in most cases turn out to be normal-sized, upon further investigation.
Your doctor is not concerned because there is nothing to be concerned about.
As others said, seek help with your anxiety, and do not poke and prod at the nodes, as this will cause them to become reactive, and then you'll worry even more. it's a vicious cycle.
Best wishes.

07-03-17, 23:08
Thanks for the advice, i realize that i need to be less concerned with my lymph nodes, and more concerned with my anxiety. I need to stop seeking treatment for a disease that i most likely don't have and seek treatment my health anxiety.

And i agree 100% hypochondria does take you to a very dark scary place and any little symptom gets exaggerated in your mind and Google is another big problem for people who suffer from this awful problem.

This will probably be my last thread about lymph nodes, but if you still want to share your stories feel free to do so, reading the stories brings me some relief because it shows me that just because something seems abnormal doesn't mean it is and that you cannot let the fear take over your mind.

I have a wife and kid i can't continue to let this anxiety reign over my life its affecting my responsibilities and who i am as a person, i used to be so happy and had so many friends and ive lost almost everything including my job over this anxiety.

Good luck to everyone out there affected by anxiety and i hope you can find peace in mind soon.

09-03-17, 02:16
I understand this anxiety, it takes you to hopeless place. I suggest no touching! Touching spirals the anxiety.