View Full Version : High Cholesterol at 25

07-03-17, 18:42
Hey guys...last year I got my cholesterol checked and it was 7.2 which is fairly high..got it re-done 2 weeks ago and it came back with 7.1.

I was given a slap on the first the first time, told to clean my diet up and take on a more Mediterranean diet. Granted, I haven't been perfect and been eating more takeaways actually than last year, but when I say more, I mean once or twice a month, so on the grand scheme of things not much.

I do love high saturated fats, i.e. cheese and what not.

But it's gone down, albeit .1. This time round the Dr's never really commented on my cholesterol as it's pretty much stayed the same, but it's worrying me because 7 is still high regardless. I do have high BP which is being controlled by medication, and before anyone asks I have had a medical history going back 10 year being diagnosed with cancer.

My question is; with a stricter diet, and going gym a lot more often (minimum 3x a week) can I see my cholesterol go down to say 6 or even lower within 6 months? and I ain't going to drop dead tomorrow with 7.1 cholesterol am I? being 2 years running now. Thanks :)

07-03-17, 20:44

Always do your best to eat healthy and exercise. Health issues caused by a seditary lifestyle and high fast diet are pretty much the only diseases we have complete control over! Everything in moderation is good, but you're so young why not start now instead of waiting until it catches up to you?

08-03-17, 03:58
Im not sure what you mean by 7.2 my doctor measures it differently, if you're talking about the ratio then yes 7.2 is high. I had a scare with my cholesterol about 6 months ago when i read some lab results that said i had high cholesterol and also it said my triglycerides was 209 which is way too high. But i had it rechecked properly and turns out i have normal cholesterol and triglycerides. I am also 25 and i went on a diet and stupidly lost 10 pounds in 2 months. High cholesterol can be handled just do as your doctor tells you. My father has had high cholesterol for nearly 30 years so that tells you it can be managed.

09-03-17, 02:33
My husband is 29 and his is borderline high no matter what he does. It's genetic I think in his case. I think heart disease risk is a constellation of multiple factors, not just one test. If you take care of yourself, I am sure your risk is low.

09-03-17, 03:12
Cholesterol is a bit of a interesting subject and even though your total cholesterol score is high it might not be as bad as you think, the important issue is what ratio your good cholesterol is in relation to your bad cholesterol. If your triglycerides are high - this is not a good thing.

There are certain thing which are very easy to do that can reduce like eating things which are high in fibre ( bean and stuff) also stop eating fried food switch to low fat milk. Also take omega oil and eat fatty fish

bin tenn
09-03-17, 03:42
Eh. I'm almost 30. Good cholesterol is low, bad cholesterol is barely in acceptable range, and triglycerides are very high. I get it. It's hard to make the necessary lifestyle changes, but it has to be done. Good luck, and I hope you see better numbers soon!

09-03-17, 23:00
I tend to eat primal/paleo, and according to the paleo world there is no such thing as high cholesterol. Apparently cholesterol and healthy fats at least, are good for the brain. Do you notice that u feel better after eating good fats?