View Full Version : Help....previous overactive thyroid, worried about prominent adams apple??

07-03-17, 23:44
Hi, I'm trying to keep calm about this but my health anxiety is driving me crazy!

3 years ago I was diagnosed with an overactive thyroid, had a PET scan, blood tests etc and was put on treatment, which luckily worked and I was discharged after a year and a half. No more thyroid symptoms. However, I've somehow become very aware of what seems like a pointy adams apple that may have always been there and I'd never noticed, but now I'm driving myself crazy thinking it could be something serious and scary! I've booked a Dr's appt for next week to get her to run some thyroid bloods and check me out but I'm freaking out.

I know it sounds crazy but does anyone else know of women with really pointy prominent adams apples? Or does anyone know if this can be due to my prior hyperthyroidism and it's remained large and I've just never paid it attention before? My family are convinced I've always had it but I'm doing my usual panic :( thanks so much x

08-03-17, 10:35
It's most likely that you've always had it and your anxiety is making it feel super big.

But going to the docs to have it checked since you have had previous thyroid issues is a great idea.

I was diagnosed with an underactive thyroid at 12. My thyroid had swollen up to the size of a tennis ball.

Because my thyroid is taking a beating I do have a slight swelling but it's only noticable if you know it is there :)

07-04-17, 22:06
Hi Rhiannon, thanks so much for your reply!!

I had to reschedule my Drs appointment but eventually went and had the lump checked and some bloods done. Dr said it felt like a thyroid nodule and sent me for bloods the next day. A few hours after having them done he rang me to say I'm now underactive! I remember being told overactive thyroid can go under :( At least I have an answer now though :) Seeing an endocrinologist next week and started on meds already.

Haven't really had any under active symptoms though apart from the 'nodule' and feeling cold all the time!

Thank you again! :)