View Full Version : Strange bump on ankle. Help!

08-03-17, 04:34
In Mid to late October I noticed a bump right around where my stock elastic would rest on my right ankle. I thought it was a pimple or ingrown haor or something and began to scratch ans pick at it. It then kind of scabbed over after doing this, ans has been there ever since. It hasn't bled, ans it doesnt hurt. It's like a small scab or area of dry skin. I also find myself picking at it quite a bit. Does this sound like a common skin condition or something serious? It's not really in an area that would see much sun. It's right around the area that would be either under my sock, slightly above it, or under the elastic. Right around that border area.

I have attached two photos to show what it looks like.


09-03-17, 13:34
Hi there I'm no expert but there are millions of skin related Conditions that are absolutely harmless. Obviously go to the docs get it check out. But I would honestly try and calm Down. Anxiety can make your imagination run away with you and think the worse .

09-03-17, 14:26
And stop picking it :)

09-03-17, 15:20
Well it's not going anywhere if you continue to pick it!