View Full Version : Scared..What Is This?

23-04-07, 04:27
Unbearable sleepiness this evening..Hard to breathe..all day or most of it.. Tiredness so tired I could lay down and go to sleep even though its just after sunset..too early to feel this way .. Scared to do much wondering if i would be able to make it if stood up yet I have so far..

Worried that my breathing isnt ok although im breathing and my heart seems to beat ok normal.. I slept later than normal last night but got up at the sametime today ..could that be all that it is?

Im really scared..its not like me to feel this way after sunset especially .I usually am more active.I went to town today and was breathless or what seemed to be hard to breathe..came home breatheing seemed ok other than getting up to do something..

Im really tired and don't feel good..My mind is in neutral like a dream this too is not normal for me.Although im sitting straight i feel like im leaning...is this all normal because not enough sleep or could it be a tumor or a heart issue or whatever..?

I have also been pretty cold all day and my heart although I can hear it beating loudly in my head it feel faint at my wrist.My hands are icy cold and well I just feel headachy and just not good..Anyone have any ideas..could it be that the sleepiness will overcome me and ill pass out and the tireness or could it just be an old fellow that got up at a normal time and went to bed to late? Please anyone?

23-04-07, 08:20
Sounds like anxiety to me.


23-04-07, 09:17
I think when we are in a state of constant anxiety we are bound to feel exhausted. I don't think people realise just how exhausting anxiety is. Your body is working hard pumping out all that adrenalin and it's bound to make you feel tired.

The feeling of cold in your hands is most likely due to the fact that when we are anxious more blood flows to the internal organs and away from our hands and feet, nothing more sinister than that.

An awareness of breathing is also a very common anxiety symptom and the more you think about how you are breathing the more anxiety you will create and the worse the symptoms will be.

Perhaps you could have a chat with your dr and ask for some reassurance.

15-10-07, 21:46
i get this total exhaustion you speak of im 34 and consider myself a physically fit person with terrible debilitating anxiety. I can feel totally exhausted even first thing in the morning after ive had a good nights sleep. I dont even feel that anxious usually just that my muscles are all tight and sore. I feel like collapsing cause im so fatigued alot when im out at the shops or walking around my local town. I aklways feel like im not going to be able to get back home im so tired. Its a horrible feeling being that fatigued. Im pretty sure its anxiety with me or maybe the depression thats attached to having anxiety a long time.

15-10-07, 23:15
i think when we are in a constant state of anxiety. it can be pretty exhausting. i get this alot with anxiety. and when we are aware of our breathingit can makes us feel that we cannot breath properly. i really think its all down to anxiety. try not to focus on it to much. its hard i know. hope this helps