View Full Version : Two tooth infections

08-03-17, 06:59
So my 7 year old son had two tooth infections we went to the dentist for another issue he had and it turned out he had the two infections going they gave him amoxicillin for 7 days which he took on time and for the full 7 days. It's been now a week since he finished the meds and we can't get him to get the infection fixed. They did warn about the infection reaching the blood stream. Yesterday we went out and him along with my older son had sore throats by the end of the night. Today my older son felt a bit better but my 7 year just felt worse and was crying that he did not feel well. He hardly had dinner and on his way up the stairs he got wobbly. I'm here thinking the worst and my husband says it's just the cold he's dealing with. He was also complaining about stomach pains. He is just freaking me out bad. Tomorrow I'll be calling to see what the debrist wants to do. Till then I don't think I'll be sleeping much.
Oh he also said his heart was beating funny. My husband checked him and he said he sounded fine. Should I take home to the hospital. We also don't have insurance right now so I don't think the hubs will be happy about that.

bin tenn
08-03-17, 12:28
Eh, I wouldn't worry too much. Yes, the risk of a dental infection migrating into and through the blood stream is real, but it's not common. So many people deal with infections for a long time, sometimes YEARS, and it never migrates. We hear about it when it does happen because it's so uncommon.

I understand the concern though. When I went to the dentist with an awful toothache (and swelling and fever) recently, she mentioned the risk of infection migrating. Still, she was not immediately concerned, but her job is to make me aware of the risk, no matter how low it may be.

I hope he feels well soon.

08-03-17, 14:19
He may just need a follow up course of antibiotics if they haven't quite resolved the infection. This is something that can be put to the dentist.

When I had an infection due to a broken tooth I needed two courses.

Also, both children are unwell and there is obviously no way his infection can affect a sibling.

Infection advancing into the blood is going to be because it is left unaddressed. You have the issue addressed.