View Full Version : Vision worries still

08-03-17, 08:55
Hi I'm back again worrying about my vision. The most worrying symptom at the moment is the flickering lights. I wondered if anyone new what it is or if they are having the same symptoms.

I only notice it in a well lit room really. My vision flickers. I don't mean like wobbling vision. It's like someone is flicking the light on and off. My vision dims like the lights are flickering. Some times it's mild but other times it's really noticeable. It's really scaring me because I don't think anxiety can cause it.

I'm pretty sure I've blackout a few times too. Like my vision went all black for a split second. Like I've blinked but I haven't.

The flickering lights come and go through the day. I'm not anxious when it happens and it lasts a few minutes. I've been to the doctors but they didn't seem to take my seriously. I'm worried it's some neurological symptom, tumour or some kind of epilepsy. Really scared I'm going to go blind.

Please someone reply if they are experiencing this or know what it could be. Thanks.

09-03-17, 13:40
Hi there I think your mind it overly focusing on your vision. I have many vision symptoms that are just harmless. U say it's more noticeable in a well lit room. Are you sure they are not migraine auras . Because bright light is one of the number one triggers. Also the effects of anxiety can last for days. So Evan if it happens when you feel you haven't got anxiety doesn't mean anxiety isn't present .

14-03-17, 14:23
Thanks for replying siyman1. I don't think it's a migraine as I don't experience any pain and I've had it for months now everyday. I've googled it and can't find much accept for one women who had it and it turned out she had a brain aneurysm ! :ohmy: so now I have a new fear to add to my list.

The anxiety I can cope with but this is driving me crazy. I'm positive there's something seriously wrong with me. My eyes are fine it must be my brain.
I think the flickering/flashing is also worst when I'm tilting my head forward and I've become sensitive to light and sound sometimes.

Just wish I knew what it was!

14-03-17, 14:33
Hi Scared1988 I think if it was epilepsy you would be having a fit of such. Do you have another dr you can see at your surgery? Get a second opinion and try and get a referral to see a eye specialist :) Oh do stop googling your symptoms it's a no, no and will drive you to all sorts of things that will only hamper your recovery Cheers

09-11-17, 19:19
Have you gotten any answers for your problem? I am currently having the same exact problem! The only thing I could find was the woman with the aneurysm as well!