View Full Version : Anxiety over speech

08-03-17, 13:24
Afternoon all,

I know that deep inside, my brain is doing all kinds of funny things at the moment, I had a recent panic attack over the thought l had MND, this has been quashed by at least 5 medical professionals including a experienced Neurologist, during this episode l was and still stupidly convinced that my speech is a bit funny. Now is it the case that my mind is so focused on it that l am constantly trying not to slur my words hence the added anxiety, l keep telling myself that I was ok just a few weeks ago and that none of the professionals were concerned, this speech thing is really annoying and I am forever trying my best, looks like the anxiety is winning :lac:

08-03-17, 13:26
Focus on treating the anxiety rather than trying not to slur your words. You are concentrating on a symptom, but you need to concentrate on the cause.

08-03-17, 14:19
Cheers, I know what you mean but sometimes when it's stuck in your mind you are constantly always trying not to, l mean we never really think about speech, or breathing or natural reflexes, however once we get a thought and when you then get the information to back up the claim, that's it. I remember you telling me in a previous post that it is classic anxiety when speech is all over the place, I have been told by the medical profession that there is nothing, so now I must get that thought out of my head and start to go back to living a normal life.

08-03-17, 15:06
It's not easy. Just gotta keep at it!

08-03-17, 15:37
Tell me about it, l have got important and good things happening in my life so l should really snap out of this anxiety, easier said then done